Arrhythmia and resting HR 196

You said "typically."

If you meant "typically" as in year-round, they might be comparing it to TRT which is considerably less. Unclear if you were talking about a blast/cycle or this is what you're always on.
I cruise on 120 test 100 mast or 200 test 7 months out of the year. I suppose I could have phrased that differently.
You know you can always lie and say you run 150 test 100 primo right? However, someone will still call bs or tell you you’re just risking your health for nothing lol.
I’m pretty open on my log about exactly what I’m taking. But yea I suppose someone will always take issue with something
I’m pretty open on my log about exactly what I’m taking. But yea I suppose someone will always take issue with something
Alot of people are open 2024. You are not special anymore.
But to normalize suicide roiding aint the path.
It should be frown upon.
Its a pandemic.

When you said "JUST" G and sum more o_O
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Alot of people are open 2024. You are not special anymore.
But to normalize suicide roiding aint the path.
It should be frown upon.
Its a pandemic.

When you said "JUST" G and sum more o_O
So you’re one of those guys. Never once claimed I was special, from the looks of it you’re a nobody on here. You brought 0 value to this thread, the edgy thing doesn’t really work either idk man better luck next time.
Glad you are OK. This kind of situation is what worries me about a lot of guys using anabolics. We often see you guys just throwing more drugs and adding more drugs for all their goals. When the go to solutions are up the dose and add more drugs it usually ends poorly. Some of these drugs are quite dangerous and when they are combined the dangers amplify.

Often simpler is better and the lowest effective dose is always the best does. Hopefully you take more care with your choices going forward. Your kid needs their dad.
Glad you are OK. This kind of situation is what worries me about a lot of guys using anabolics. We often see you guys just throwing more drugs and adding more drugs for all their goals. When the go to solutions are up the dose and add more drugs it usually ends poorly. Some of these drugs are quite dangerous and when they are combined the dangers amplify.

Often simpler is better and the lowest effective dose is always the best does. Hopefully you take more care with your choices going forward. Your kid needs their dad.
I appreciate this. I also thought thyroid meds were benign. People just take t3 it’s totally fine. Did you know extended use can cause your heart to become dependant on it? It can also cause reformation of the heart rather quickly, and it’s extremely dangerous to come off of. I was foolish. I’ve had some long talks with my cardiologist and he essentially told me the steroid use had little to no impact on this event, but the thyroid meds mixed with high dose caffeine was 100% the cause.

He did recommend discontinuing AAS for long term health which I understand but basically said thyroid meds are playing with fire and can cause acute death, something we don’t see often from general steroid use.

Definitely taking a different approach to my use, also all of my labs came back close to perfect during my ICU visit except for some heart inflammatory markers. My follow up a few weeks ago went good, my ejection fraction is good, all of the chambers in my heart are regular and my cholesterol and BP are in check.

I’m down to 1 cup of coffee a day and nicotine gum and I feel much better. I’m scared to death of stims now. Big lesson for a young dude tryna get jacked…
This might be a semi long read so bear with me. I was just in Hawaii on vacation and my protocol went out the window. No supplements and water intake went from 1.5 gallons daily to a few water bottles here and there, lots of coffee and some c4 energy drinks.

I was with my ex girlfriend and kids and the stress is always extremely high when she’s around. Constant petty name calling, saying I’m a bad dad for not wanting to be with her etc..

So here’s where the nightmare begins. I have been in 50mics of t3 for the last 6 weeks or so, I don’t take t4 with it and I was able to bring it on the plane as to not miss dosing. About 6 days ago was the day this happened, half a pot of coffee in the morning and 2-3 energy drinks spread out throughout the day. Barely drank any water and on the beach in the sun about 85 degrees. When I got back to my air bnb I had a delta 8 edible 100mg and took a few hits off a delta 8 vape and felt total fine.

The next morning my heart was out of rythm. A dangerous and uncommon thyroid related arrhythmia not atrial fibrillation I can’t remember the exact kind it was. I had no idea my resting rate was 180+ I couldn’t tell. I tried to tough it out for 2 days being stubborn thinking if I ate bananas and hydrated it would go back into rythm, it did not.

On the 3rd day I knew something was very wrong and my insurance is out of network there so I booked the first flight I could back. 11 hour flight landed Friday at midnight so essentially Saturday morning. Went straight into the er. After ecg and ekg and being hooked up to all this shit my resting heart rate was 196. They gave me a mega dose of amlopidine via IV drip and got it down to the 140s. I told them everything I was taking and what lead up to it and told them I discontinued the t3 roughly 4 days prior but my free t3 AND TSH were sky high and many times over the reference range. A team of cardiologist were trying to figure out how my TSH was so high and free t3 for the dose I was taking (only 50 mics)

Long story short after 2 days in the ICU they finally got my heart rate under 80, had to put me under to shock my heart back into rythm (cardiovert) I was released today around noon. I’m back in rythm and fine but my resting heart rate is slowly rising it’s about 120 now sitting down. I called the cardiologist and he said If it gets above 130 he will give me an energy script for propranolol but here’s what I’m getting at.

Thyroid meds are extremely dangerous and can quickly cause reformation of the heart. My lower chamber of my heart grew in 4 days, although not significantly just be very aware of what thyroid meds can do. Be careful with t3 without t4 as well. I’ll check back in later and let you guys know if I get back under 100. This post isn’t just a story but a warning, please reconsider t3 use it is not benign. I’ve used it many times in the past with no issues! But an event like this is a wake up call. Be careful I love you all ❤️❤️❤️
Hi I’m very sorry to hear you have been experiencing such symptoms. Normally if you have any thyroid complaints for example hypothyroidism they give the non active form of t3, which is t4. So t3 is the biological active form of the thyroid hormone and is only used in severe cases. So by using t3 continuously for 6 months you were giving your body a continued dose of the thyroid hormone with effects on your heart and blood pressure.

I just want to know though, were you using t3 on doctor prescription or were you using it off label, because it is and I agree with you fully, it is a dangerous thing to use the free form of medications on a long term basis when you might not need them and thuss your body doesn’t need them
I was just reading about thyroid storm last night, and them bam! I come across this thread today. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I had TBI induced depression a few years ago, and was prescribed SSRI medication. Taking the SSRI meds for one year compromised my thyroid function and caused me to have worse/different symptoms than what I was already dealing with.

Despite careful diet, exercise, and peptide regimen for the last couple years, I think I need a low dose of t4 to help resolve some of the hypothyroidism I still experience, and was reading up on it when I saw your post. I will be extra extra cautious and move carefully with anything I do.
How's everything looking now with your heart and BP? As that was quite a horrific experience you had but it's a good teaching moment and this is instructive to those who are taking thyroid hormones when not prescribed plus without a full understanding how they work. This sounds about as bad as like taking slin without understanding how that works.
How's everything looking now with your heart and BP? As that was quite a horrific experience you had but it's a good teaching moment and this is instructive to those who are taking thyroid hormones when not prescribed plus without a full understanding how they work. This sounds about as bad as like taking slin without understanding how that works.
I never have planned on stepping on stage don’t have the genetics for it any way lol.

But to why a gym bro would want to take t3 Clen or insulin just to look good after for 30 min after leaving the gym is beyond me or my risk to reward ratio.

Mabe minus the clen, a lot of pro boxers and mma fighters pop for it all the time, and they have the craziest cardio and conditioning.
If it was that bad they would be dropping dead like flies also.
Was this indian pharma or turkish pharmacy? Have heard troubling reports of fake or underdosed indian pharma products (not sure how verifiable they are), sounds like a lack of quality control where overdosing could occur

I haven’t heard of a thyroid storm/t3 overdose normally happening on such a low dose so this is all really interesting