Not feeling anavar

How’s your diet? If you’re eating enough by day 2-3 you should have noticeably better pumps and better endurance in the gym
I ran 100mg of anavar for 2 weeks i barely felt it weakest oral steroid for sure women use it lol anadrol or superdrol are the ones where u feel good asf
Actually, a lot of guys take it, from what I see here.
Just not in the way and for the reason your friend, here, does
I ran 100mg of anavar for 2 weeks i barely felt it weakest oral steroid for sure women use it lol anadrol or superdrol are the ones where u feel good asf
I love the results superdrol gives but it makes me feel like death after 2-3 weeks. The lethargy is the worst of any oral I've ran.

But yeah the results are also wild. Strength, fullness, vascularity, pump, the 3d look. It's just horribly toxic, and you can definitely feel it after a few weeks
I bought raw anavar from a highly rated source on this site and I'm looking to kickstart my cycle for 4-6 weeks to heal up my shoulder and get the ball rolling. So on Monday, I did my first injection and weighed out 30mg of the raw anavar and kept it under my tounge for 5 minutes and swallowed it. That workout wasn't anything special in my opinion BUT the day prior I absolutely devasted my back so I figured I wasn't recovered yet. So now two days later I tried 40mg and held it under my tounge for 15 minutes and once again, I don't feel shit so far an hour later. Am I retarded to think I should feel a noticable surge of energy or something? Thanks for the help.
Wait so you took Anavar for 2 days didn’t feel anything so now you’re skeptical if it’s fake ? Am I reading that right
First, QSC is not a highly rated or respected source. Its clear you haven't done much reading or research here at meso. Some of the things you've said in your post are things that would've gotten you run off the board a few years back.

The whole "I don't FEEL anything" cry has some of us kicking the dog or smacking the ol lady around(whomever is closest) out of frustration. Do you put everything you ingest under your freaking tongue?

Did you hear someplace that anavar heals injuries? Probably was Deca healing or soothing joints(not the kind you smoke youngin!) that you heard. Now put a couple of ml's of Deca under your tongue and hit the weights. Now you're talking.

Not sure what ails you but there are peptides such as BPC157 and TB500 might interest you.

Now, I hope you are at least of age? My powers tell me you are 19? If so, you're doing yourself a disservice throwing AAS into your immature and still growing self. You want a rush? These powerful compounds aren't like blow. You could double down on the adderall/Ritalin you take each morning to get the rush you're looking for?

Anavar will give me some wicked pumps, though. Thats what the member advising you take 50mg subling on leg day was talking about. Try finishing with calf raises and you'll learn what pain is.

Lastly. If you feel you've got crap gear you should save up your paper rout cash and send a sample off to @janoshik to put under his scope and then do that hocus pocus thing he does in a Land far far away. He may offer some kind of student discount? Tell him its for your science project and he may even make an appearance to push you into that A+ neck of the woods? He's cool like that.
I read a lot into var and it sounded like a beginners safe bet with orals with tbol as the other potential choice. A lot of people say var gives them a rush so I expected that going from natty to var would be noticeable. For reference, I take L-citrulline and glycerol monosterate preworkout and by the time I get to the gym, I can feel the energy and the pumps are insane despite having no stimulants. Thought the var would be similar and the tongue thing is sublingual ingestion which I read is recommended as it can lighten the load on the liver and more quickly administer the oral into your system. Also anavar is good for collagen synthesis and a lot of people recommended it for healing so I'm choosing to run it in the first 4-6 weeks of my cycle along with BPC157 and TB500 2x daily 250mcg to hopefully get that shoulder repaired so I can get back to benching 405 in the near future. Anyways I am younger as you suggested, but I have my reasons. My natural test is shit tier with tests showing 470-495 and my free test completely in the gutter below reference range. I'm already quite tall so I actually don't want to be taller. Some members suggest shoulder width growth up until the mid 20's, but studies show this growth is minimal and at most I'd be losing out on a inch of clavicular growth total. So pretty much that leaves only the brain development risk, which is the one thing I worry about. For testing, I wouldn't mind sending off a sample but QSC has been tested many times and chances are, the shits legit. To wrap it up, no I'm not trying to find the Mike Mentzer special but I just expected it to feel similar to the energy that L-Citrulline channels into you. Thanks for the insight and I definitely want to run deca on my next cycle provided this one goes alright.
You should definitely notice a big increase in your pumps from var, and also an increase in endurance. The pump effect is very pronounced so if you’re not feeling that then you have crap var, your diet is bad, etc.
4500 kcal a day ~300‐325 protein. Rice, oats, eggs, chicken, etc. I'll continue running it of course and I'm sure it'll hit like a truck lol.
You should definitely notice a big increase in your pumps from var, and also an increase in endurance. The pump effect is very pronounced so if you’re not feeling that then you have crap var, your diet is bad, etc.
The whole “pump that hurts” thing can be avoided if you supplement with electrolytes and taurine appropriately. I’ve ran var up to 50mg and didn’t get those fabled workout-stopping-pumps
I ran 100mg of anavar for 2 weeks i barely felt it weakest oral steroid for sure women use it lol anadrol or superdrol are the ones where u feel good asf
You’re doing a lot of things wrong lol. Whoever recommend dose of 100mg is insane. Also if that wasn’t doing anything for you- it’s either fake gear , horrible diet or poor training. Or a mix of the three.
I've done 100mg ed before, for the last 2 wks coming into a competition. And I titrated up to that on like my 10th cycle of it. It's not a feel good dose, for sure. It did make me strong.

As far as healing, I've always heard that anavar increases collegen synthesis, which could lead to improved healing but not directly cause healing. This could be broscience idk
Dude I definitely notice it within the first workout or two. Anavar sends my pumps through the roof and the immediate strength increase is absolutely there. Not on par with stuff like sdrol or halo, but it's there.
Sounds like you kids drink red bull and tell your parents you’re drunk. No fucking chance.
Sounds like you kids drink red bull and tell your parents you’re drunk. No fucking chance.
Sounds lIke youre a non responder, or your source sucks. Idk what to say.

Example, I'm running a cycle right now recovering from a ton of medical bs. The day before my cycle started, it was tough to knock out 60 perfect form pushups in a row.

Day two on anavar, I breezed through 75.

That's only on 30mg.

It's nothing astounding, but it's definitely there.


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