Not feeling anavar

Sounds lIke youre a non responder, or your source sucks. Idk what to say.

Example, I'm running a cycle right now recovering from a ton of medical bs. The day before my cycle started, it was tough to knock out 60 perfect form pushups in a row.

Day two on anavar, I breezed through 75.

That's only on 30mg.

It's nothing astounding, but it's definitely there.
“Wanna know how my Anavar is working the first 2 days, I did lots of push ups and guess what, the second day I did 15 more push ups” you got me there bud you convinced me.
You’re doing a lot of things wrong lol. Whoever recommend dose of 100mg is insane. Also if that wasn’t doing anything for you- it’s either fake gear , horrible diet or poor training. Or a mix of the three.
it was prob underdosed still anavar is the weakest oral
The whole “pump that hurts” thing can be avoided if you supplement with electrolytes and taurine appropriately. I’ve ran var up to 50mg and didn’t get those fabled workout-stopping-pumps
Where did I say it hurts? Where did I say it stopped my workouts? Pretty sure I said 'greatly pronounced'. I'm pretty well versed on nutrition so I'm well aware of what taurine does.
Where did I say it hurts? Where did I say it stopped my workouts? Pretty sure I said 'greatly pronounced'. I'm pretty well versed on nutrition so I'm well aware of what taurine does.
Maybe it’s cause I’m always cutting with anavar but I don’t get those insane pumps. Or maybe I’m just used to pumps, not sure
Biggerben says you are 19? For real?

Yes we want to know if @biggerben69his powers are accurate

Anyways I am younger as you suggested, but I have my reasons.
My accuracy rating for guessing a guys weight within 5 lbs stands at a pumped up 95%. I'm available for men's Birthdays and Bar Mitzvahs ONLY!! No Bat or the gender neutral B Mitzvahs. I'll tell you its because I'm old school but I'm really just to cheap to buy the different costumes and my memory isn't what it once was and learning a whole new act is out of the question.
My young friend, @SulekJr ...more important than accurately dosed gear and remaining injury free is incorporating commas and paragraphs into you grammar game. I learned to read and write during a prison term. Without the 2 things I mentioned, many folks won't even read what you've written. It changed my life.
I've done 100mg ed before, for the last 2 wks coming into a competition. And I titrated up to that on like my 10th cycle of it. It's not a feel good dose, for sure. It did make me strong.

As far as healing, I've always heard that anavar increases collegen synthesis, which could lead to improved healing but not directly cause healing. This could be broscience idk
Hey snake! Great seeing you! I can't remember if you gave that USA Pharmacy Grade Anavar a go? Upsher-Smith and Par Pharmaceuticals are the 2 I've seen and used over the years. I know you and I at least spoke about the Pharm Var, correct?

Pretty sure the FDA did away with Var altogether. Its a shame if that's true. Its night and day compared to UGL and even Int pharmm grade var. It will make guys stop thinking that Anavar is a weak compound. I'm serious.

Good luck at your show! Lemme know how it went!
My accuracy rating for guessing a guys weight within 5 lbs stands at a pumped up 95%. I'm available for men's Birthdays and Bar Mitzvahs ONLY!! No Bat or the gender neutral B Mitzvahs. I'll tell you its because I'm old school but I'm really just to cheap to buy the different costumes and my memory isn't what it once was and learning a whole new act is out of the question.
My young friend, @SulekJr ...more important than accurately dosed gear and remaining injury free is incorporating commas and paragraphs into you grammar game. I learned to read and write during a prison term. Without the 2 things I mentioned, many folks won't even read what you've written. It changed my life.

Hey snake! Great seeing you! I can't remember if you gave that USA Pharmacy Grade Anavar a go? Upsher-Smith and Par Pharmaceuticals are the 2 I've seen and used over the years. I know you and I at least spoke about the Pharm Var, correct?

Pretty sure the FDA did away with Var altogether. Its a shame if that's true. Its night and day compared to UGL and even Int pharmm grade var. It will make guys stop thinking that Anavar is a weak compound. I'm serious.

Good luck at your show! Lemme know how it went!
It must be my lucky day!! My birthday is in 3 weeks... I just spend the last half a decade in prison. Things i learned was :
A. Mind my own business.
B. How to boil water with an extension cord!
My accuracy rating for guessing a guys weight within 5 lbs stands at a pumped up 95%. I'm available for men's Birthdays and Bar Mitzvahs ONLY!! No Bat or the gender neutral B Mitzvahs. I'll tell you its because I'm old school but I'm really just to cheap to buy the different costumes and my memory isn't what it once was and learning a whole new act is out of the question.
My young friend, @SulekJr ...more important than accurately dosed gear and remaining injury free is incorporating commas and paragraphs into you grammar game. I learned to read and write during a prison term. Without the 2 things I mentioned, many folks won't even read what you've written. It changed my life.

Hey snake! Great seeing you! I can't remember if you gave that USA Pharmacy Grade Anavar a go? Upsher-Smith and Par Pharmaceuticals are the 2 I've seen and used over the years. I know you and I at least spoke about the Pharm Var, correct?

Pretty sure the FDA did away with Var altogether. Its a shame if that's true. Its night and day compared to UGL and even Int pharmm grade var. It will make guys stop thinking that Anavar is a weak compound. I'm serious.

Good luck at your show! Lemme know how it went!
Hey brother! Yeah, you mentioned that stuff on a couple occasions but I never got a chance to try it.
I do love some anavar! It's 1 of the few things that work with my body well.

Man, I haven't competed in 2-3yrs. Down 25lb now, feel better and look better but not the beast I once was. I was always in the top 2 of my weight class. I always enjoyed it.
UPDATE: Holy shit.
Pump on the second day of var rivals the hardest citrulline pumps I've ever had. Bicep feels like a block of stone after arm day and my tricep got classified as a planet by an amateur astrologist. Felt amped up too just like citrulline.
If you're too dense to understand what anecdote is, then I don't know what to say.

Have a good one bud, lmao.
If you think the Anavar is working 1 day after taking it cause you did more pushups you’re mentally handicapped to say the least. Never heard such an idiotic response in my fuckin life
If you think the Anavar is working 1 day after taking it cause you did more pushups you’re mentally handicapped to say the least. Never heard such an idiotic response in my fuckin life
Yeah, acting like that while you're getting ratio'ed into oblivion by everyone who's chimed in in this really helps drive your point home big guy, lol.
Yeah, acting like that while you're getting ratio'ed into oblivion by everyone who's chimed in in this really helps drive your point home big guy, lol.
Not sure he is a “big guy” unless he’s added a lot of mass. He says he is tho lol and talks to everyone like he’s Billy bad ass. Usually those ones end up snoring
Ome time took 50mg of var preworkout... hit a little workout and decided I would go do a little cross country jog... fellas that was was f$#king mistake.. I got about 3 miles away from the house and them calves was burning up..son! I really didn't know what was going on at the time it was the first month I had ever taken anything. Later I read about painful back pumps and stuff from anavar.. I realized then what was up. So OP maybe take you 50mg and go hit about an hour of stairs or something.. get back to us...
If you think the Anavar is working 1 day after taking it cause you did more pushups you’re mentally handicapped to say the least. Never heard such an idiotic response in my fuckin life
OK, but there is no need to insult him like that.
You still haven't told us how this worked for you, if it did.
The only thing I’ve ever ‘felt’ was the Tren. And by that I mean I felt myself rather willingly going down a slippery slope of sexual frustration and very, very, questionable thoughts and practices.