Anniversary During a Deca Blast


So, I'm all prepped to start a 10 week Blast of 600 Test + 300 Deca starting in another week. This will be my first time using Deca and I was looking forward to it; however, I am now hesitant. Yesterday the misses reminded me we have an anniversary in December which will be mid blast. We usually get a hotel somewhere, enjoy a night of entertainment, and then bang it out at the hotel till we pass out.

My worry is that I might not be able to bang it out if I have 'deca-dick.' How long does the limp dick effect take to wear off once you stop using Deca? Say I notice the deca-dick in week 4, would it clear up by week 6-8 ? I currently have a very strong libido and have not needed Viagra so I have none on hand.

Any one with experiences, thoughts, or suggestions here? I'm torn. I think the obvious answer is to save the Deca for another day but I was really looking forward to see what Deca can do.
So, I'm all prepped to start a 10 week Blast of 600 Test + 300 Deca starting in another week. This will be my first time using Deca and I was looking forward to it; however, I am now hesitant. Yesterday the misses reminded me we have an anniversary in December which will be mid blast. We usually get a hotel somewhere, enjoy a night of entertainment, and then bang it out at the hotel till we pass out.

My worry is that I might not be able to bang it out if I have 'deca-dick.' How long does the limp dick effect take to wear off once you stop using Deca? Say I notice the deca-dick in week 4, would it clear up by week 6-8 ? I currently have a very strong libido and have not needed Viagra so I have none on hand.

Any one with experiences, thoughts, or suggestions here? I'm torn. I think the obvious answer is to save the Deca for another day but I was really looking forward to see what Deca can do.
Have you gotten deca dick before? I got it once a few years ago and it stopped within a week or two after I reduced my dosage.
never had deca dick, npp dick, tren dick, no idea why anyone would have dick issues especially on such a small dose. Are you fit, bodfyat, BMI, cardio, not taking prescription drugs particularly SSRI? you should be fine
never had deca dick, npp dick, tren dick, no idea why anyone would have dick issues especially on such a small dose. Are you fit, bodfyat, BMI, cardio, not taking prescription drugs particularly SSRI? you should be fine
I think it happens with 5% of people. since people complain so much, then it looks like it happens to 50%+ of people.
I think it happens with 5% of people. since people complain so much, then it looks like it happens to 50%+ of people.

same with "tren rage".People who are mentally ill, take rec drugs, alcoholics, loaded on SSRI (we know they juice we see them talk about this stuff on forums) make posts and everyone thinks "deca dick" "tren rage"

My favorite one I see repeated over the years guys claiming when on tren or GH they can eat whatever they want and not gain fat, like they defy the laws of thermodynamics lol

Back after college I permabulked, got huge and strong didn't carry about putting on fat, would have ED issues. But since leaning out and not carrying so much weight, no AAS has bothered me, libido is always fine.

The only thing that has killed my dick was long extreme dieting which included intermittent fasting. But it wasn't just my dick, I had no energy period, wouldn't even want to get out of bed. But it went away once I bumped my calories back up to maintenance, about 3000
It is like you all are saying, I got some fright from the few posts I've read about dick issues.

Appreciate the feedback, it has returned my confidence. I'll just push forward and see how it goes
I’ve never had deca dick and I’ve been on for a almost year at like a gram but it does happen to some ppl and like everything else every1 reacts differently
Just get some cialis bro I recently discovered it and it’s a game changer. Just take one In the morning and ur good for 2 days
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It is like you all are saying, I got some fright from the few posts I've read about dick issues.

Appreciate the feedback, it has returned my confidence. I'll just push forward and see how it goes
Do NPP. You can get off if you need to. More frequent pinning
My last experience on NPP was great for the first 4 weeks. I felt great and looked great. Was doing like 400mg a week. Then like right when I got in week 4 I started getting minor dick issues where I had to focus like crazy to stay hard and took forever to bust. And not in a good way lol End of week 4 I said fuck it and stopped and within 3 days it was gone.
Deca makes my libido crazy !!! However I've had deca dick once upon a time when I was taking massive test dosage with deca and didn't control my e2
My last experience on NPP was great for the first 4 weeks. I felt great and looked great. Was doing like 400mg a week. Then like right when I got in week 4 I started getting minor dick issues where I had to focus like crazy to stay hard and took forever to bust. And not in a good way lol End of week 4 I said fuck it and stopped and within 3 days it was gone.
How much test were you taking with that dose?
Most of the issues I've heard of or seen with this are due to not taking enough test. IMO your test amount is more than fine (I haven't personally seen anyone with a 1:1+ ratio having issues - but I haven't gone through all the threads).

As mentioned, if you're scared you could go the NPP route with more pinning, but honestly I think you'd be more than fine and it's much more likely the opposite will happen.
never had deca dick, npp dick, tren dick, no idea why anyone would have dick issues especially on such a small dose. Are you fit, bodfyat, BMI, cardio, not taking prescription drugs particularly SSRI? you should be fine
I had it with nandrolone (NPP and Deca). It happens.
Get some tadalafil. Helps with dick, bp and prostate. I got a lifetime supply of it and I refuse to stop using it daily. 5mg for general health and 20mg for partying.
How much test were you taking with that dose?
I was taking 500mg of test cyp per week. I think if I would’ve went slightly higher with test or slightly lower with the NPP I would’ve probably been fine but it was at the end of my cycle so I was done.

It wasn’t like my dick didn’t work at all. It was strange. I couldn’t stop staring at women's asses in the gym but when it came time for sex I felt like I was working to stay hard lol also things just felt less sensitive. Less blood flow I’m assuming. When I run just test I could be fucking my wife walk out to my kitchen and come back and get right back to it without skipping a beat. The last week of using the NPP I took 25mg of viagra and that got me through fine.

I know everyone has there own opinions but I prefer Tren to NPP. I actually sleep worse on NPP.