
Running this now in my cruise 100 Deca/200 Test/200 Primo, good combo will run again on blast maybe roll 200/750/750. Can also swap with Masteron if you want to get a few more lbs of water weight off,
I've run this combo before and it was good, 400 Test/200 Primo/200 NPP. Only issue I faced was estrogen control, primo really tanks it if I'm not careful. Now I take DHEA and keep dbol and HCG on hand.

I recently just tried out TRT test and 400 NPP, been doing just that for about 3 weeks and felt phenomenal at first, but now the lethargy and anhedonia is kicking my ass. Funny enough my dick still works fine, in fact the only thing that sounds interesting is jacking off. I think since the ester is so short lived that I can get away with returning to the 400/200/200 now and still make the most out of this blast before it's too late.