
Yeah, test p will get things working more quickly. That is my go to when I have been in that situation (I don't put myself in that situation anymore). Just inject a punch of test prop, and things might even be working by tonight.

Just get your levels above 2:1.
Love it. I'm on a similar cycle
525 test
150 npp
300 mast e
And just started 2iu of growth. I'm estro sensitive hence the low npp. I'm using it more for joint relief. But these with these 3 I think anyone can build an awesome cycle with very little sides. Primo and mast are interchangeable.
You'll know when you get deca dick, if Miss America drops to her knees in front of you it doesn't matter, you will ask her to go fix you a sandwich because you don't care and can't even begin to get it up. run test 2 to 1 deca and you'll be fine.
You'll know when you get deca dick, if Miss America drops to her knees in front of you it doesn't matter, you will ask her to go fix you a sandwich because you don't care and can't even begin to get it up. run test 2 to 1 deca and you'll be fine.
Oh, you'll care a lot and that's the frustrating part. Deca dick doesn't ruin libido, it just ruins boners.

And for me, 2:1 and deca still makes me depressed
@goonr did you get bloodwork done? Is your dick not working because of the supposed 2:1 test deca ratio? Or is it because the primo tanked your estro?

Good question. Didn't do bloods yet. I could still get it up, but before getting it up my dick felt numb and shrinked, not sure if it helps answering this question. :D

I'm running 700 Test 300 Deca 300 Primo now. Will report back how it goes.
After how many weeks would you recommend getting first bloods on such cycle? Also what is the best time for it if inject monday thurday friday?
After how many weeks would you recommend getting first bloods on such cycle? Also what is the best time for it if inject monday thurday friday?
5-6 weeks from your last change should give you fairly accurate results as soon as possible with those esters.
Can’t count from the start because you made some major changes partway though
Obviously, if you’re having some issues with estradiol or prolactin you may want to go sooner to see where those are at to correct a problem. But to accurately tell your levels from this blast, about 6 weeks from your last change.
I’m currently running:
-Test C 700mg/wk
-Primo 315mg/wk
-NPP 280mg/wk

20 week blast

Started with Test at 525 and decided to up it to 700 2weeks in
Odd numbers on Primo and NPP is because of daily injections on everything
0.5 Test, 0.3 Primo, 0.4 NPP daily

I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good
Running higher Test this time and lower Primo.
I am a low aromitizer and have run Primo a bunch, at lots of different doses, with consistent bloodwork. My E2 takes a hit if Primo is too high and Test not high enough.

Also HGH currently at 3 IU daily
Started at 2 IU, titrating up to 4IU over a few weeks and will continue at 4 IU

Adding Anadrol 50 last 2 weeks
Always like an A-bomb finisher 2-4 weeks, no more than 4
50mg daily 1-2 hours pre workout
If it’s a rest day I’m doing cardio so I still take it pre workout
how's the cycle going?
are you running NPP the whole 20 weeks?
What do you think about this combination for bulking? Have you run it before and can share any experiences?

I'm running it at 250 Test C 250 Deca 600 Primo per week, injecting monday wednesday friday since last week.
Feeling pretty good so far. Dick is still working, already noticed that i need longer to cum, which is a nice side effect for me and actually one of the reasons why i decided to try deca, as retarded as it might sound. First time running deca and first time running test low-dose, looking forward how it plays out.
That was my best and favorite cycle. I ran Deca at 400mg though
My dick shrinked and feels like cold rubber, its over. :oops:

Guess i will have to try higher testosterone after all.

Good question. Didn't do bloods yet. I could still get it up, but before getting it up my dick felt numb and shrinked, not sure if it helps answering this question. :D

I'm running 700 Test 300 Deca 300 Primo now. Will report back how it goes.

After how many weeks would you recommend getting first bloods on such cycle? Also what is the best time for it if inject monday thurday friday?
Hey, did you get this sorted?
Hey, did you get this sorted?

I just stopped the Deca after 12 weeks. Made some good progress but my resting heart rate got too high (90-105) on 600 mg Test/450 mg Deca/300 mg Primo. Couldn't sleep properly. Got a bit depressed/lethargic, but nothing too extreme. I will run 600 mg Test/400 mg Primo for another 5 weeks and cruise after that.

I plan to do bloods next week, guess the high heart rate could also be high RBC from Primo. But i think it was actually from the Deca since i've run Primo before without these issues. Dick issues were only in the beginning when i run Test too low, didn't have any problems after upping the dose.

already noticed that i need longer to cum, which is a nice side effect for me and actually one of the reasons why i decided to try deca, as retarded as it might sound

If anyone is wondering, Deca does help a bit with PE but is not the solution i hoped for. Not better than SSRIs.
This has become my go to cycle. I just started a new one.

I like to run Test / Primo at 1:1 usually 600mg each. 300 mg Deca / wk

I do EOD injections due to the volume of oil.

My current cycle the only change is 100 mg Deca / wk to see if i get the same benefit with less compound. Only pinning the Deca weekly too.

I will fuck around with DBol usually mid cycle post bloodwork, and again at the end of the cycle. I like 50mg ED for 2 weeks. I train for powerlifting / power building and saw great overall gains in all lifts, as well as great muscle growth that I was able to maintain. It’s slow growth, but around week 10 you’ll see it pop.

The Primo is a great AI, I’ve never needed one with this ratio.
Yeah Test Primo 1:1 ratio is solid.
Currently on 250mg Test, 100mg deca, 200 primo. I am an estrogen suoer factory. I feel great. Sleeping good, knees feel good. Libido down a little, will bump test to 375mg next week to see if libido increases and asses E2 sides