Anniversary During a Deca Blast

So, I'm all prepped to start a 10 week Blast of 600 Test + 300 Deca starting in another week. This will be my first time using Deca and I was looking forward to it; however, I am now hesitant. Yesterday the misses reminded me we have an anniversary in December which will be mid blast. We usually get a hotel somewhere, enjoy a night of entertainment, and then bang it out at the hotel till we pass out.

My worry is that I might not be able to bang it out if I have 'deca-dick.' How long does the limp dick effect take to wear off once you stop using Deca? Say I notice the deca-dick in week 4, would it clear up by week 6-8 ? I currently have a very strong libido and have not needed Viagra so I have none on hand.

Any one with experiences, thoughts, or suggestions here? I'm torn. I think the obvious answer is to save the Deca for another day but I was really looking forward to see what Deca can do.
10 weeks is insufficient to truly benefit from Deca
So, I'm all prepped to start a 10 week Blast of 600 Test + 300 Deca starting in another week. This will be my first time using Deca and I was looking forward to it; however, I am now hesitant. Yesterday the misses reminded me we have an anniversary in December which will be mid blast. We usually get a hotel somewhere, enjoy a night of entertainment, and then bang it out at the hotel till we pass out.

My worry is that I might not be able to bang it out if I have 'deca-dick.' How long does the limp dick effect take to wear off once you stop using Deca? Say I notice the deca-dick in week 4, would it clear up by week 6-8 ? I currently have a very strong libido and have not needed Viagra so I have none on hand.

Any one with experiences, thoughts, or suggestions here? I'm torn. I think the obvious answer is to save the Deca for another day but I was really looking forward to see what Deca can do.
I have experienced it - my cure was to run test 2:1 (cleared it up almost immediately), so 600/300 works just fine.

Go for it.

Test/deca is great for gains.
Run it longer than 10 weeks, as others noted above. Gains will still be kicking in at 20 weeks, but you have to stop some time. 10 weeks is way too early.
Get some mast p and run it for a couple of weeks prior and start cialis 15mg daily three days prior. The cialis has a long half life so by day 3 you'll be built up for action

You'll have a permaboner
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Some get congestion and headache on Cialis as well, not good for romance
This was a funny side effect and NOT attractive… my wife kept giggling at me… made me want to bite her… HARD ;)

Note: Didn’t get this on moderate doses… just when I ran higher doses (20mg) out of curiosity (for a couple days)
This was a funny side effect and NOT attractive… my wife kept giggling at me… made me want to bite her… HARD ;)

Note: Didn’t get this on moderate doses… just when I ran higher doses (20mg) out of curiosity (for a couple days)
20 had me feeling like the pressure in my head was going to shoot out my nose and eyes.

Though I was going to give my gf a good weinering. Instead went to bed haha
I would use NPP, not deca like others said

And anything I put in my body that would make my dick not work, I would discontinue. Adding in a second drug to get hard doesn't make sense. Now your someone who needs a pill to have your didk function, Is that what you want to be?
Get some tadalafil. Helps with dick, bp and prostate. I got a lifetime supply of it and I refuse to stop using it daily. 5mg for general health and 20mg for partying.
Amen! Most underrated health regimen for men and/or add-on to any anabolics regimen!
never had deca dick, npp dick, tren dick, no idea why anyone would have dick issues especially on such a small dose. Are you fit, bodfyat, BMI, cardio, not taking prescription drugs particularly SSRI? you should be fine
This is terrible advice.

"Deca dick" happens because 19nor metabolites interact with a huge amount of hormonal receptors in the body, and there are many hormones that contribute to the libido. Just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean others will have an identical experience.

Some guys will have a year straight of deca dick despite cycling off and blasting test. It's funny how people act like fina is the devil, but blast 19nors that can totally destroy your dick's function. I've probably seen hundreds of threads asking why the libido disappeared during a 19nor cycle, or why it didn't come back 6 months after ending the cycle.

OP, the best way to avoid deca dick is to flood your system with more androgens to out compete (through volume) the 19nor metabolites for hormonal receptors. This works quite well during a blast, but if you're one of the unlucky few who end up with a limp willy for the entire time 19nor metabolites bounce around in your body wreaking havoc, well... at least you'll know better next time.
This is terrible advice.

"Deca dick" happens because 19nor metabolites interact with a huge amount of hormonal receptors in the body, and there are many hormones that contribute to the libido. Just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean others will have an identical experience.

Some guys will have a year straight of deca dick despite cycling off and blasting test. It's funny how people act like fina is the devil, but blast 19nors that can totally destroy your dick's function. I've probably seen hundreds of threads asking why the libido disappeared during a 19nor cycle, or why it didn't come back 6 months after ending the cycle.

OP, the best way to avoid deca dick is to flood your system with more androgens to out compete (through volume) the 19nor metabolites for hormonal receptors. This works quite well during a blast, but if you're one of the unlucky few who end up with a limp willy for the entire time 19nor metabolites bounce around in your body wreaking havoc, well... at least you'll know better next time.
If something I shoot in my body is preventing my most important organ and what makes me a man to function, I will cease taking it

Just like if overhead press causes my shoulder pain, I will quit doing it. Not keep doing it and mask it with a cortisone shot every day

Any advice otherwise IMO is dumb