New Member
My Background
I'm 31 years-old, 4 years of lifing as a natty, never used steroid. I'm Asia and live in Southeast part.
My Objective
To bulk up and go beyond the natural plateau. I'm currently down to 12% BF and ready to bulk up. I have already done bloodwork for baseline and my test is normal.
My Cycle Plan
Week 1 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 2 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 3 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 4 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 5 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 6 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 7 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 8 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 9 - (nothing)
Week 10 - (nothing)
Week 11 - Clomid 100 MG/ED Nolvadex 20 MG/ED
Week 12 - Clomid 100 MG/ED Nolvadex 20 MG/ED
Week 13 - Clomid 50 MG/ED Nolvadex 10 MG/ED
Week 14 - Clomid 50 MG/ED Nolvadex 10 MG/ED
My Preparation
I have acquired gears as follow;
2 vials 10ML (300 MG/ML) Testosterone enanthate (UGL)
Clomid (50MG) = 50 tabs (UGL)
Nolvadex (20MG) = 50 tabs (UGL)
A box (100 pieces) of sterilized 23 gauge 1" needle
A box (100 pieces) of sterilized syringe
Alcohol pads
My Injection
I will be injecting my self all alone. I will draw 1.6 cc from vial, and use that same needle to inject into my thigh so I could see it, once a week, rotate side each week. I'm nervous but I'm gonna do it. I also watched countless IM video on Youtube and on here.
My Expectation
I expect "noticable" change in physique. Increase muscle mass like 10-15 LBs or more if possible, little fat along the way is acceptable. Water weight is not big concern. Just want to be more muscular and look fit in T-shirt.
My Diet & Training
I'm right now eating at maintenance level which is around 2300 calories, so during steroid cycle I will increase my intake to 3400 calories at least. And double my training to 6 days per week. Should I gradually increase Cal intake? or just increase from Day 1? Also the 1000 calories surplus is sweet spot for me? What do you guys think?
My gyno prevent
I learned that Test E only cycle at moderate dose doesn't need to worry much about gyno as long as I have proper PCT. I want to keep my cycle as simple as possible. I don't have any AI or HCG. After finish the cycle I will be off. (I'm not gonna cruise or do another cycle soon). If any slightest sign of gyno happen during cycle i will just take 10 MG Nolvadex a day throughtout cycle, is it ok? Or should I just take Nolvadex 10MG ED from Day1?
Finishing Cycle
When should I be lowering calories intake? During PCT phase? I should calculate my new maintenance and adjust accordingly right? Basically when should I stop eating in surplus so I will not gain unnecessary fat.
So you guys think overall my plan is good? Do I need to tweak anything, or any advise is appreciate!
Thank you in advance
I'm 31 years-old, 4 years of lifing as a natty, never used steroid. I'm Asia and live in Southeast part.
My Objective
To bulk up and go beyond the natural plateau. I'm currently down to 12% BF and ready to bulk up. I have already done bloodwork for baseline and my test is normal.
My Cycle Plan
Week 1 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 2 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 3 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 4 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 5 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 6 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 7 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 8 - Testosterone E 480 MG
Week 9 - (nothing)
Week 10 - (nothing)
Week 11 - Clomid 100 MG/ED Nolvadex 20 MG/ED
Week 12 - Clomid 100 MG/ED Nolvadex 20 MG/ED
Week 13 - Clomid 50 MG/ED Nolvadex 10 MG/ED
Week 14 - Clomid 50 MG/ED Nolvadex 10 MG/ED
My Preparation
I have acquired gears as follow;
2 vials 10ML (300 MG/ML) Testosterone enanthate (UGL)
Clomid (50MG) = 50 tabs (UGL)
Nolvadex (20MG) = 50 tabs (UGL)
A box (100 pieces) of sterilized 23 gauge 1" needle
A box (100 pieces) of sterilized syringe
Alcohol pads
My Injection
I will be injecting my self all alone. I will draw 1.6 cc from vial, and use that same needle to inject into my thigh so I could see it, once a week, rotate side each week. I'm nervous but I'm gonna do it. I also watched countless IM video on Youtube and on here.
My Expectation
I expect "noticable" change in physique. Increase muscle mass like 10-15 LBs or more if possible, little fat along the way is acceptable. Water weight is not big concern. Just want to be more muscular and look fit in T-shirt.
My Diet & Training
I'm right now eating at maintenance level which is around 2300 calories, so during steroid cycle I will increase my intake to 3400 calories at least. And double my training to 6 days per week. Should I gradually increase Cal intake? or just increase from Day 1? Also the 1000 calories surplus is sweet spot for me? What do you guys think?
My gyno prevent
I learned that Test E only cycle at moderate dose doesn't need to worry much about gyno as long as I have proper PCT. I want to keep my cycle as simple as possible. I don't have any AI or HCG. After finish the cycle I will be off. (I'm not gonna cruise or do another cycle soon). If any slightest sign of gyno happen during cycle i will just take 10 MG Nolvadex a day throughtout cycle, is it ok? Or should I just take Nolvadex 10MG ED from Day1?
Finishing Cycle
When should I be lowering calories intake? During PCT phase? I should calculate my new maintenance and adjust accordingly right? Basically when should I stop eating in surplus so I will not gain unnecessary fat.
So you guys think overall my plan is good? Do I need to tweak anything, or any advise is appreciate!
Thank you in advance