Another REGAINING Fertility Log after 9 years of AAS

Yey, the other brand that you have is good to go. You say they are from bgpharma? That's where I had 20x boxes from, too, they work great. I still have a couple boxes of that turkish hmg in my fridge and I will use that for my next child.

Sadly a lot of pharma from india is either underdosed or completely useless (fake). That other hmg of yours sadly was fake the last time when I bought it, and yours looks the same.
What time prior should you inject for the blood test to be accurate? I have a crap ton of the Menodac 150IU like he did. I always figured it was underdosed... but if its fully bunk I'd like to know. Thanks!
hey! currently starting my " get fertile again" journey.. what source for the HMG did you find was actually legit?
I used HMG from both Dashpct, and PCT.Zone.

Went from zero sperm, to a yo score of 10, 20, then 50. (more motile sperm than 50% of men who have fathered children) in three months.