Another thread of e2 crushed lab work from primo


Ever get a test while taking Tamoxifen? I had read it can actually be beneficial for lipid profile and found It works wonders on my lipid panel somehow, especially HDL. I’ve just never felt it was safe to run long term. But I think Im about to add a low dose to my last 4 weeks of this cycle to boost hdl.
I’ve heard that too, that’s interesting. Maybe adding in tamoxifen during a 20 week blast and then removing during an extended cruise period could be beneficial

And no I’ve never taken bloods while using tamoxifen, my experience with it is very very limited as my estrogen is usually controlled well by mast or primo
I’ve heard that too, that’s interesting. Maybe adding in tamoxifen during a 20 week blast and then removing during an extended cruise period could be beneficial

And no I’ve never taken bloods while using tamoxifen, my experience with it is very very limited as my estrogen is usually controlled well by mast or primo
I’ve tested twice while on it. Once during a cycle of test/deca and one time natty trying a gyno protocol. Both times my lipids were way better than baseline. This was before starting a statin. My only hesitation now is with running primo which is already an oddball for e2 sides for me. But it’s only 4 weeks so gonna try it and probably run it through pct
I’ve tested twice while on it. Once during a cycle of test/deca and one time natty trying a gyno protocol. Both times my lipids were way better than baseline. This was before starting a statin. My only hesitation now is with running primo which is already an oddball for e2 sides for me. But it’s only 4 weeks so gonna try it and probably run it through pct
That’s interesting. My only hesitation to do so is just that I wouldn’t really need a serm unless I’m running dbol or deca or something? And then it comes down to which is potentially more harmful/side effects: ezetimibe, statins, or tamoxifen (probably statins then tamoxifen, then ezetimibe)
then it comes down to which is potentially more harmful/side effects: ezetimibe, statins, or tamoxifen (probably statins then tamoxifen, then ezetimibe)

IMHO, the frequency of statin side effects is overstated. Especially if the doses are kept low.

That sounds interesting. Was it like a 23 and me type test or something more specialized?

The test was from Color. It was free. I can't see that I found it to be especially useful. Interesting, but not entirely useful.

Have you experienced that fast metabolism of caffeine in reality?

Yes. I can consume endless amounts of caffeine without getting jittery. It also doesn't impact my sleep, though I don't try to poke the bear in that regard because my sleep is bad enough as it is, so I cut off the caffeine at 2PM.

By relatively low are we talking like less than 50-60gs of added fats?

That seems about right. I used to eat a fair bit of butter, cream, and cook with ghee. My lipids weren't terrible when I was doing that, but I've backed way off on the saturated fats.

Now, I cook with avocado oil and mostly focus on leaner cuts. Added fat might be some olive oil or some nuts. I still occasionally consume fatty things, but it's not a component of my daily diet.