Another thread of e2 crushed lab work from primo

Well there’s people like myself who didn’t have a lowering effect on bloodwork. But it definitely had an impact on how I felt. Until I went to a 3:1 test/primo ratio I felt like shit w/ typical low e2 sides. But bloodwork on ultra sensitive test showed it out of range high
I certainly believe you, but are you sure it was real?
NK can't hurt, but all the literature points to shows a reduction in intima media thickness, which is promising, but isn't quite the same as tracking outcomes, nor does it suggest a reduction in calcified plaque. By contrast, there was a study published on bempedoic acid in the past year that shows a clear reduction in MACE (major adverse cardiac events).

To be clear, I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with NK or that it's inferior to bempedoic acid, just that it hasn't yet met the gold standard of improving outcomes. Niacin, for example improved biomarkers, but has been shown not to be of any benefit and is potentially harmful.

Unmedicated, my total cholesterol was just north of 200mg/dL. Lifestyle changes were able to bring that down some, but when I compared my lipids to a friend of mine who is sedentary and has metabolic syndrome, but is on rosuvastatin, that caused me to reconsider my stance on statins. When I got my CAC, I decided to try all the things and see how I respond.

With a total of 400mg/dL, I'd definitely suggest an aggressive approach. It's worthwhile getting an NMR lipid panel and measuring both ApoB and Lp(a). The lipidologist Tom Dayspring recommends managing ApoB to something less than 80mg/dL for most or 60mg/dL for high risk folks.
I never expected to hear Dayspring’s name on this forum, but am pleased to see I’m not the only one familiar with his work. Respect
If you have FH, I'm curious what your CAC score shows. Might as well get started with Repatha. Probably hard to get insurance to cover, but the copay card is easy to get.

IMHO, PCSK9 inhibitors are the best thing since statins.
I’ll definitely report my results back. I’ll be 3 weeks post cycle when I get my test. I tried getting Repatha from previous Dr and insurance denied it. But I have a new doc (who ordered the cac for me) and I am going to ask him about it when I go over my test results.

Off cycle 20mg of Rosuvastatin cuts my total in half and has my numbers in check. It’s not w/o sides though esp brain fog. But I have found pregnenalone helps to offset that.
I certainly believe you, but are you sure it was real?
Great question. Im wondering myself if it might be Mast. I bought based off of lab reports but did not personally test it myself. I asked Jano about sending in a vial but at this point I only have 1 left and am probably just going to run it for the next 5 weeks and then toss it. I’ve never done Mast but everything I’ve read about it does seem to correlate to my experience.