Anxiety/overthinking on blast


New Member
How do you all deal with anxiety and overthinking on blast?

I usually try to go for solo long bike rides, or late night gym sessions when there is no one there. Usually does the trick in clearing my head and calming down the thoughts.

Lately it’s been hard to do the above. Is there any other avenues or things one can try? I’d be interested what some experienced folks have to say. I’ve been on and off cycles last 5 years nothing crazy.
I guess first question would be, compound selection & e2 levels/test ratio?

I only get anxiety when there is a specific issue. Then I become obsessed, over thinking, and lose sleep over it. I‘ve personally found that confronting the issue early is the best for me.

I’m pretty melancholy after BJJ, nothing like getting pretend murdered by an unassuming 140 pound ground karate practitioner.

Hope you get it squared away bro.
To answer some questions,

Running test and primo currently

E2 is in range, was crashed but adjusted compounds a little and I’m back to range now.

Based on how I react to being on these compounds, I think it’s safe to say I’ll prob never touch 19-nors like Tren. Better be safe than sorry.

Feel much better today, got very good REM sleep. I think my sleep has been out of whack further fueling some of the anxiety. I will try the magnesium and see what that does for me. Maybe I’ll start taking the ZMA I have on hand too.
Low E2 for me causes major anxiety, along with a near-constant underlying feeling of dread.

I think as long as E2 is in a good range for you (which can vary a bit between individuals), compound selection in itself shouldn't cause any significant anxiety. My semi-educated guess / intuition is that most anxiety caused from gear use is a byproduct of a certain compound crashing E2, which can usually be resolved by altering the ratios of the compounds being ran (unless it's the result of over-doing aromatase inhibitors, in which case simply cut back on them). But that's just my experience. I've never gotten anxiety from E2 being too high, only from being too low (but of course everyone's physiology varies to some degree, so I'm sure it's possible).
How long has it been since your E2 has been within a healthy range for you? Considering how you mentioned that your E2 was crashed prior, it may take a couple weeks of a normalized E2 level for certain symptoms to completely subside. Just something to consider.
It has been just over 2 weeks now. My joints are feeling much more lubricated (3 weeks ago it felt like I had rusted joints and needed serious lubrication). Hoping that joints feeling better is a sign that everything else will follow suit. I took a de-load week currently and it’s also helping my overall body recovery. Not sure if de-loads are beneficial on blast, seems to be trending in a positive direction thus far.
My blasts were always so much more enjoyable all the way around when I was in a good mental headspace when I start.

I know what you are talking about. Sorta shows up in intrusive thoughts for me. But I found it only happens on Tren and EQ. And the tren only does it if I start the blast in a not so great headspace.

EQ I just had to quit entirely because it made me paranoid. Only 2 that ever messed with me mentally and I’ve used about everything.

Older now so I know better but that’s something I had to learn the hard way. Gear ain’t near as fun when you are in rough patch IME. And/or injured lol
Low E2 for me causes major anxiety, along with a near-constant underlying feeling of dread.

I think as long as E2 is in a good range for you (which can vary a bit between individuals), compound selection in itself shouldn't cause any significant anxiety. My semi-educated guess / intuition is that most anxiety caused from gear use is a byproduct of a certain compound crashing E2, which can usually be resolved by altering the ratios of the compounds being ran (unless it's the result of over-doing aromatase inhibitors, in which case simply cut back on them). But that's just my experience. I've never gotten anxiety from E2 being too high, only from being too low (but of course everyone's physiology varies to some degree, so I'm sure it's possible).
Yes, this is exactly how I feel. When my estro shoots high I’m super euphoric (like dbol feeling happy). Libido is way up and overall great besides oily skin and extra water, slight BP increase due to water retention. If it goes too high however, I am very fucked up, no libido, terrible headaches and zero motivation (only happened once in past 5 years thankfully).
Low E2 for me causes major anxiety, along with a near-constant underlying feeling of dread.

I think as long as E2 is in a good range for you (which can vary a bit between individuals), compound selection in itself shouldn't cause any significant anxiety. My semi-educated guess / intuition is that most anxiety caused from gear use is a byproduct of a certain compound crashing E2, which can usually be resolved by altering the ratios of the compounds being ran (unless it's the result of over-doing aromatase inhibitors, in which case simply cut back on them). But that's just my experience. I've never gotten anxiety from E2 being too high, only from being too low (but of course everyone's physiology varies to some degree, so I'm sure it's possible).
Good point about the low estrogen. When I crashed mine using 600primo/300test, I had no idea it was the crazy low E2 making me feel so terrible. Total sense of impending doom at times. Dry ass joints. Easily the worst gear run in my history.
My blasts were always so much more enjoyable all the way around when I was in a good mental headspace when I start.

I know what you are talking about. Sorta shows up in intrusive thoughts for me. But I found it only happens on Tren and EQ. And the tren only does it if I start the blast in a not so great headspace.

EQ I just had to quit entirely because it made me paranoid. Only 2 that ever messed with me mentally and I’ve used about everything.

Older now so I know better but that’s something I had to learn the hard way. Gear ain’t near as fun when you are in rough patch IME. And/or injured lol
I am naturally an over-thinker to begin with. Tough schedule and not consistent quality sleep finally caught up to me I think (week 18 into blast). I am normally fine at 250-300 range test but anytime it’s at 500 or above I start getting anxiety issues (when headspace isn’t so great like you said).

It’s great when it all works and gains are coming. When gains are coming but you could give a shit and are thinking about 1000 different things and stressing, couldn’t care less about gains and eating. Makes you question the cycle and if you even want to stay on anymore. I gotta get this sorted out, it’s not that deep. Fucking overthinking everything including the fucking weather currently (no control of that whatsoever).
I wouldn’t listen to (straight away) some of the ridiculous replies here.

I’m a firm believer in diaries and bloodwork. It’s easy to go back and reference things. I took that, then I felt like this. I stopped taking that, and now I feel like this. And so on.

Play the long game. Look after yourself.
I wouldn’t listen to (straight away) some of the ridiculous replies here.

I’m a firm believer in diaries and bloodwork. It’s easy to go back and reference things. I took that, then I felt like this. I stopped taking that, and now I feel like this. And so on.

Play the long game. Look after yourself.
Thank you for this different angle. I think I just need to relax and take a step back. Continue the bloodwork and just take it one week at a time.

The “look after yourself” hit hard for me and almost emotional (maybe my estrogen is through the roof now lol). No but seriously. Thank you for your input. I’ll definitely evaluate things more logically and as you said play the long game.
It’s all trial and error. I’ve learned very weird things about myself when on cycle. I have nightmares when I drink casein before bed. Cialis gives me myalgia. Clomid breaks me out in boils. Masteron gives me painfull and prolonged erections.
It has been just over 2 weeks now. My joints are feeling much more lubricated (3 weeks ago it felt like I had rusted joints and needed serious lubrication). Hoping that joints feeling better is a sign that everything else will follow suit. I took a de-load week currently and it’s also helping my overall body recovery. Not sure if de-loads are beneficial on blast, seems to be trending in a positive direction thus far.
Joints feeling better is a good indicator that things are going in the right direction, but only time will tell in the end. De-loads are always beneficial, provided you need them and take them at the proper moment, which is definitely a learned skill as far as knowing how to listen to your body. The only real way to nail this down is to get enough experience and take note of times when you've felt a certain way physically/mentally, and gradually you'll get a better understanding of when your body is signaling to your mind that it's time to let off the gas a bit. AAS only elevate the threshold of accumulated volume that you can recover from, but that threshold is always there.

One more thing about the anxiety that I feel foolish for not making a point of before is that these types of things typically are multifactorial in their causes. You are a living being, who has a daily existence surrounded by unique circumstances, environment, interpersonal relationships, work/school, etc., that are all processed and interpreted by your mind in a manner that is specific to you. You can't necessarily look at your anxiety and gear use in a vacuum and ignore the multitude of other external factors that could be playing into your perceived anxiety.