Anxiety/overthinking on blast

Good point about the low estrogen. When I crashed mine using 600primo/300test, I had no idea it was the crazy low E2 making me feel so terrible. Total sense of impending doom at times. Dry ass joints. Easily the worst gear run in my history.
That sense of impending doom hits on another level. Nothing I've ever experienced before compares. Just feeling like the entire world is going to start crumbling around you, and you are powerless to stop it. And it's not concentrated on any specific aspect of your life, it just feels like your very existence is going to be sucked into a black hole and your mind will be stuck in an endless void forever. It's like the worst acid trip of all time, except it hits you as you're like walking through Target, haha.
That sense of impending doom hits on another level. Nothing I've ever experienced before compares. Just feeling like the entire world is going to start crumbling around you, and you are powerless to stop it. And it's not concentrated on any specific aspect of your life, it just feels like your very existence is going to be sucked into a black hole and your mind will be stuck in an endless void forever. It's like the worst acid trip of all time, except it hits you as you're like walking through Target, haha.
This basically sums up the feeling I’m experiencing pretty accurately. Cutting off social media has helped. Scrolling through reels aggravated the feelings of anxiety and impeding doom, always feel so drained and messy after watching pointless short clips or just scrolling on socials.
dont forget, just because estrogen is in range, doesnt mean its good for you. i feel a big mental difference from 20 to 40 e2.

people underestimate the differences.
40 e2 is DOUBLE 20 e2. thats significant
some people even say 50-60 is ok. that is TRIPLE my natural e2.
my natty e2 was 22. i aim for that.
some people might even think 50-60 is ok for them.. i am a mess at 55.
at 50+ e2 i am depressed and very self conscious
double or triple or even 25% higher e2 than baseline is significant when discussing the body.

when my e2 is low, i get tendonitis like symptoms and feel sick, another tell tale sign for me is waking up early, ill start waking up at like 0500 thinking im like a go getter suddenly then a few days in i'll realize my joints hurt.

i dont believe that the more test you take, the higher your e2 can be without mental sides either, people keep repeating broscience like what ive said about masteron supposedly "canceling" out deca sides. the body doesnt work like this, these compounds dont simply cancel eachother out or negate things.
its an oversimplification and we should be past this point in 2024.

if it works for you then go for it, but i dont think most people are themselves with e2 higher than they were natty and i think a lot of guys hear anecdotes from guys that "say" they feel best at 60 e2, and then assume they will be fine too.
Their e2 is a little over the high end, and they say "well thats just a little out of normal but im taking test so its whatever, and it creeps up to like 55 , not realizing how significant this is from the real standard e2 level

because similar to the testosterone range, the e2 level that is good is not what is normal
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This basically sums up the feeling I’m experiencing pretty accurately. Cutting off social media has helped. Scrolling through reels aggravated the feelings of anxiety and impeding doom, always feel so drained and messy after watching pointless short clips or just scrolling on socials.
Without comprehensive knowledge of the intimate details of your life, the best I can suggest is to get bloodwork as soon as you can, and if E2 is in a good range, then perhaps reach out to a medical professional and/or psychologist about what you are experiencing.

Not to sound alarmist, but if you're experiencing anything like the sense of doom and dread that I and the other user described, then you want to address this issue immediately. Don't be like me, who lived in that mind-state for like three months without realizing the underlying cause and addressing it, because it will wreak havoc on your quality of life. But I'm sure there is a resolution to your issue, my friend, so stay strong and be proactive in taking the necessary steps to resolve this. Take solace in knowing that this is only a temporary state of affairs, and you will be better soon enough. Best of luck, and take care of yourself.
That sense of impending doom hits on another level. Nothing I've ever experienced before compares. Just feeling like the entire world is going to start crumbling around you, and you are powerless to stop it. And it's not concentrated on any specific aspect of your life, it just feels like your very existence is going to be sucked into a black hole and your mind will be stuck in an endless void forever. It's like the worst acid trip of all time, except it hits you as you're like walking through Target, haha.
Oddly accurate. Very similar to a hardcore kratom withdrawal and quit. Very similar feelings as super low E2. I hate that place.

Things feel like they are falling apart around you and I have been absolutely powerless to force myself to do the bare minimum during those times. Makes you appreciate having healthy brain chemistry and a healthy reward system for yourself. Plus being able to delay gratification again is invaluable.

Once you get the ol brain chemistry outta whack it’s easy to spiral for myself. And difficult to right the ship.
dont forget, just because estrogen is in range, doesnt mean its good for you. i feel a big mental difference from 20 to 40 e2.

people underestimate the differences.
40 e2 is DOUBLE 20 e2. thats significant
some people even say 50-60 is ok. that is TRIPLE my natural e2.
my natty e2 was 22. i aim for that.
some people might even think 50-60 is ok for them.. i am a mess at 55.
at 50+ e2 i am depressed and very self conscious
double or triple or even 25% higher e2 than baseline is significant when discussing the body.

when my e2 is low, i get tendonitis like symptoms and feel sick, another tell tale sign for me is waking up early, ill start waking up at like 0500 thinking im like a go getter suddenly then a few days in i'll realize my joints hurt.

i dont believe that the more test you take, the higher your e2 can be without mental sides either, people keep repeating broscience like what ive said about masteron supposedly "canceling" out deca sides. the body doesnt work like this, these compounds dont simply cancel eachother out or negate things.
its an oversimplification and we should be past this point in 2024.

if it works for you then go for it, but i dont think most people are themselves with e2 higher than they were natty and i think a lot of guys hear anecdotes from guys that "say" they feel best at 60 e2, and then assume they will be fine too.
Their e2 is a little over the high end, and they say "well thats just a little out of normal but im taking test so its whatever, and it creeps up to like 55 , not realizing how significant this is from the real standard e2 level

because similar to the testosterone range, the e2 level that is good is not what is normal
This is a great point about the individuality of E2 levels. It helps to have previous bloodwork from times where you were free of these symptoms and felt more "normal" to get a rough idea of your baseline E2. Then compare this value to your new bloodwork and see how far off the mark you are. Try to get your E2 level as close to that last "healthy" value you had. But if you still feel no change despite your E2 being around that baseline value, reach out to a medical professional. They will be in an infinitely better position to help you than anyone on a forum could be.
Get your bloodwork and see. You may like this for weeks until you dial right. I use primo on trt and if I take too much, I have low e problems. Libido suffers, anixety, depression. Social interactions. Whatever life just isn't as good.

Some have no problems with primo but since your trying it you need to dial it in with bloodwork.
Oddly accurate. Very similar to a hardcore kratom withdrawal and quit. Very similar feelings as super low E2. I hate that place.

Things feel like they are falling apart around you and I have been absolutely powerless to force myself to do the bare minimum during those times. Makes you appreciate having healthy brain chemistry and a healthy reward system for yourself. Plus being able to delay gratification again is invaluable.

Once you get the ol brain chemistry outta whack it’s easy to spiral for myself. And difficult to right the ship.
Absolutely. Once you have corrected things and can reflect back to your previous mind-state during that period, it almost seems like you have the memories of a different person. It really forces you to come to the realization of how significant brain chemistry and hormones are to your fundamental and functional existence. How much control do we really have over our own minds, if any at all? Brings to mind the phrase, "You can do what you will, but you can't will what you will." The experience adds an extra layer of fascination if you ever decide to engage in philosophy of mind, personal identity, and/or free will / determinism. But now I'm getting a little too off-topic and inviting several rabbit holes into this thread...
I made an appointment for more bloodwork next week. Thanks to all that replied and for giving me something to ponder on. I think I’ll log off for a bit and just spend some time away from any distractions which seem to further fuel my restless mind.

I do not wish this feeling on anyone, came out of nowhere and so suddenly. My bike is my therapy and the weather has been shit so I can’t ride the windy backroads of the good ol country.

I’ll be back hopefully with a better update sooner than later. Thanks all.