Any lab test I can do to find cause of injection site reaction (like a mosquito bite)?


New Member
I recently ordered NPP brewed in MCT oil at a concentration of 200mg/mL from an UG lab. I injected sub-Q four or five times and every time had a local reaction (like s mosquito bite). Is there any way I can figure out the cause of the reaction? For example, are there lab test Jano can do to see if there are substances other than MCT oil and NPP in the vial that might cause the reaction?

I do remember also having a local reaction the first month or so that I started injecting testosterone cypionate (which I get pharma grade from a TRT clinic ... comes in cottonseed oil I believe). And, eventually, this reaction stopped. So, maybe if I just keep injecting the NPP the reaction will subside over time.

Any ideas would be appreciated.