Any reputable research on Anavar suppressing HPTA?


New Member
Hi, I'm curious if there's any reliable, proper references documenting that Anavar suppresses the HPTA. I've been offered to start anavar through my HRT/TRT to treat my anemia. Wikipedia offers the following:
"Oxandrolone is a synthetic derivative of testosterone having two major advantages over anabolic steroids. First, it does not aromatize (convert to estrogen, which causes gynecomastia or male breast tissue). Second, it does not significantly influence the body's normal testosterone production (HPTA axis) at low dosages (10 mg). When dosages are high, the human body reacts by reducing the production of LH (luteinizing hormone), thinking endogenous testosterone production is too high; this in turn eliminates further stimulation of Leydig cells in the testicles, causing testicular atrophy (shrinking)."

So, is it safe to use 10mg per day of anavar while on my PCT? If it's not suppressive, as this research seems to indicate, then it would be helpful to me while I cut and try to lose weight (in conjunction with DNP and diet). Thanks guys,
Another research snippet for you:
"Studies using low dosages of this compound note minimal interferences with natural testosterone production. Likewise when it is used alone in small amounts there is typically no need for ancillary drugs like Clomid/Nolvadex or HCG."
Oxandrolone suppresses the HPTA. I will post the reference later today. As I have said over and over, all AAS suppress the HPTA. the variables after stopping AAS are the duration and severity of HPTA suppression.
HPTA Suppression With Oxandrolone

The attached article shows HPTA suppression within 5 days after oxandrolone 15 mg/day. There are other references demonstrating the same, but this is the one I had readily available. [Note: see highlighted text and Figure 3]


Re: HPTA Suppression With Oxandrolone

The attached article shows HPTA suppression within 5 days after oxandrolone 15 mg/day. There are other references demonstrating the same, but this is the one I had readily available. [Note: see highlighted text and Figure 3]

But the study also says

Further evidence indicates that the method of administration and metabolism of the anabolic agent may account for the magnitude of difference in protein synthesis with OX compared to TE. For example, im TE injections are administered in a lipid base such that they can be stored in adipose tissue and released slowly, giving a sustained duration of action. After im injection of 200 mg TE, serum T levels rise and can reach the supraphysiological range within 24 h of administration. Over a period of several weeks, these levels gradually decline to hypogonadal levels (21). In the present study, serum OX levels on day 5 were 2.19 ng/dL 10 h after oral administration. However, by 18 h, serum OX levels fell to 0.48 ng/dL, representing a 78% reduction in serum OX in only 8 h. Because of this rapid decline in OX blood levels, it may be warranted to administer OX twice a day to maintain higher sustained blood levels of total androgen, possibly further enhancing its anabolic effect on skeletal muscle.

Moreover, OX’s potent protein synthetic response was sufficient to ameliorate the net amino acid efflux and protein catabolism associated with an overnight fast. Given that most trauma and burn patients are acutely hypercatabolic, and most cancer and AIDS patients are chronically catabolic, the ability to reverse the inevitable losses in lean body mass using an oral anabolic agent has considerable clinical implications. However, the timeframe needed for protein accretion to occur in these patient groups is not known. At a minimum, efficient reutilization of intracellular amino acids is necessary for continued maintenance of the metabolic state (7, 22). We know that during the fasted state, protein breakdown is normally much higher than protein synthesis (16, 22). Despite being fasted overnight, all subjects had an increased reutilization of amino acids as outward transport (FV,M) decreased 28% after OX treatment. We further showed a 65% increase in the efficiency of protein synthesis with OX. In combination, this could lead to an accrual of lean body mass in the fed state.
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Re: HPTA Suppression With Oxandrolone

My question about this whole thread is what are you tring to gain from 10 mg of Anavar per day? Granted it may or may not suppress HPTA axis, but I am not sold on the fact you will get any noticeable results even if used during PCT....furthermore it may hinder your PCT from being as effective....
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I used Anavar but much higher than 10mg (75) and I got noticible testicular atrophy at week 5 onward.