Anyone know about TP at the moment - should I buy from him?

I recently bought some reduced price HGH vials of TP blacktops from another meso user. They are great quality. And we avoided customs since we were both based UK.

I’m looking for another UK based source of generic (cheap but good quality) HGH. Should I go with TP but buy from him directly this time?

I don’t mind a European or worldwide source but imagine it will take much longer and be hassle with customs.

is TP a source shipping from the UK, his email to me when I asked for a list didn’t clarify where he is from.

Do you think he’s got the best gear for that price range? I definitely cannot afford pharma

anyone from the UK know how long he takes to ship? And if he offers tracking

If there are other sources which ship to the UK could you guys please suggest some that you have had good experiences with
Your talking about TP from promuscle right? If so he ships from the UK for his EU domestic. I would definitely buy directly from him in your case. On his pricelist under EU domestic you can see it ships from the UK. I put TP right up there with the other top gh sources.
Hope this helps.
Your talking about TP from promuscle right? If so he ships from the UK for his EU domestic. I would definitely buy directly from him in your case. On his pricelist under EU domestic you can see it ships from the UK. I put TP right up there with the other top gh sources.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, yep that exact guy, seems like he is definitely good to go then…. You know how it is with customs always a gamble so I thought it was too good to be true to have such a good rated source ship from my country

he’s really cheap for good quality too isn’t he, I’ll place an order very soon
I recently bought some reduced price HGH vials of TP blacktops from another meso user. They are great quality. And we avoided customs since we were both based UK.

I’m looking for another UK based source of generic (cheap but good quality) HGH. Should I go with TP but buy from him directly this time?

I don’t mind a European or worldwide source but imagine it will take much longer and be hassle with customs.

is TP a source shipping from the UK, his email to me when I asked for a list didn’t clarify where he is from.

Do you think he’s got the best gear for that price range? I definitely cannot afford pharma

anyone from the UK know how long he takes to ship? And if he offers tracking

If there are other sources which ship to the UK could you guys please suggest some that you have had good experiences with
Any chance you can fire over his email in a pm, I'm looking for a UK hgh source that is good.
Any chance you can fire over his email in a pm, I'm looking for a UK hgh source that is good.
I would mate but it was a one off since he had some spare vials, he’s not a reseller or anything, I just got lucky

type in TP blacktops batch 91 in the search and you’ll see the thread, guys name was Vamadi I think, told me he isn’t using HGH anymore so wanted to sell me all his spare vials
Any chance you can fire over his email in a pm, I'm looking for a UK hgh source that is good.
But if you want sources I’ll let you know mine that I am gonna use after the vials he sold me run out - either opti or Liska’s from cat cafe, or meditrope or TP directly

all are the best UK sources
This is DIRECTLY from his email:
17th JUNE; Our new email address is Please start using it. If for some reason after a few days you do not get an email back from us means we are not getting your messages in that case send email to or tp2013@anonymousspeech ( use this as last resort as anonymousspeech is going offline end of august so we want to divert our customers to other email services) and write in subject “ NOT GETTING REPLIES FROM MAILFENCE” and we will get back to you.


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