Anyone know what's going on with me


New Member
So I was taking 500mg test 500mg eq 25mg aromasin once a week for a while and added on 250mg masteron and also 50-75mg proviron. So I know I crashed my estrogen of course I was looking to fuck hard and it did the exact opposite(no dick and extreme dread) luckily I was still able to get her off by other means n she still likes me...for now. But I've also broken out in hives. Really nasty hives that come and go all over my body on my head armpits chest cock ass everywhere. It itches like crazy and I get little relief and my cock and libido is completely non functioning. I'm taking dbol to try to fix it but I'm throwing up not sure if I'm keeping it, have no appetite, no energy. Anyone else get this with crashed estrogen?? Or did I fuck myself up really bad in some way??
I would drop everything besides test. Get some bloodwork.

Never take mast again if you don't like weird rashes/hives.
you should have gotten your estrogen checked at some point during this,
you are probably just having a reaction to having low estrogen and you also have an increase in anxiety aswell so its not as bad as you think it is
So I was taking 500mg test 500mg eq 25mg aromasin once a week for a while and added on 250mg masteron and also 50-75mg proviron. So I know I crashed my estrogen of course I was looking to fuck hard and it did the exact opposite(no dick and extreme dread) luckily I was still able to get her off by other means n she still likes me...for now. But I've also broken out in hives. Really nasty hives that come and go all over my body on my head armpits chest cock ass everywhere. It itches like crazy and I get little relief and my cock and libido is completely non functioning. I'm taking dbol to try to fix it but I'm throwing up not sure if I'm keeping it, have no appetite, no energy. Anyone else get this with crashed estrogen?? Or did I fuck myself up really bad in some way??
welcome to the world of steroids.

I hope your only goal is not to fuck girls with your limp cock.
Damn, what made you think crashing your estrogen would make your dick work better? Why aren't you dropping everything and getting on a trt dose for awhile? Just adding shit won't help you
Proviron and mast gave me an iron lvl dick before it's just I was careless. When I blew myself up with the last aromasin pill I took early in the day I thought my estrogen was high cuz I had slightly sensitive nips and was nervous. Then I took like 100mg proviron and 40mg Cialis trying to fix it in the moment in a panic which made it way worse I think lmao. I'll be way more careful next
5 to 10 mg of cetirizine per day why you clean up your hormonal status. Hives suck, that should help. Hope you feel better.

Do you do you run TRT when not on cycles? Or just intermittent cycles?
Thanks I will look into this. Hives are better this morning but it was the same yesterday got worse through the day. I'm back to trt only for a while I think but I did take 250mg test e shot to help myself along with the estrogen.

welcome to the world of steroids.

I hope your only goal is not to fuck girls with your limp cock.
Its to do that and also become 300 pound 12% body fat mutant freak

you should have gotten your estrogen checked at some point during this,
you are probably just having a reaction to having low estrogen and you also have an increase in anxiety aswell so its not as bad as you think it is

I hope so. Noone has said this sounds like anything specifically bad yet so I think I'll just ride it out without a doctor visit. I have no health insurance, dirt poor
Proviron and mast gave me an iron lvl dick before it's just I was careless. When I blew myself up with the last aromasin pill I took early in the day I thought my estrogen was high cuz I had slightly sensitive nips and was nervous. Then I took like 100mg proviron and 40mg Cialis trying to fix it in the moment in a panic which made it way worse I think lmao. I'll be way more careful next

Thanks I will look into this. Hives are better this morning but it was the same yesterday got worse through the day. I'm back to trt only for a while I think but I did take 250mg test e shot to help myself along with the estrogen.

Its to do that and also become 300 pound 12% body fat mutant freak

I hope so. Noone has said this sounds like anything specifically bad yet so I think I'll just ride it out without a doctor visit. I have no health insurance, dirt poor
First step, get insurance. Then research more on what your putting into your body. This isn't a poor man's game and can be costly. Good luck man
OTC. Cheap. Glad you are doing better. Take care.
Got some cetirizine at Walgreens, works great complete relief within 3 hours and it was ramping up and getting bad like yesterday. thanks very much appreciated.

First step, get insurance. Then research more on what your putting into your body. This isn't a poor man's game and can be costly. Good luck man
I've got insurance through my job I've just been too lazy to go in early and set it up on their computers. Will do that soon. Thanks
none of this warrants a doctor they will just take your money
I figured as much
So I was taking 500mg test 500mg eq 25mg aromasin once a week for a while and added on 250mg masteron and also 50-75mg proviron. So I know I crashed my estrogen of course I was looking to fuck hard and it did the exact opposite(no dick and extreme dread) luckily I was still able to get her off by other means n she still likes me...for now. But I've also broken out in hives. Really nasty hives that come and go all over my body on my head armpits chest cock ass everywhere. It itches like crazy and I get little relief and my cock and libido is completely non functioning. I'm taking dbol to try to fix it but I'm throwing up not sure if I'm keeping it, have no appetite, no energy. Anyone else get this with crashed estrogen?? Or did I fuck myself up really bad in some way??
You were already 1:1 test eq + aromasin you basically murdered your e2. Not only that, by adding mast and proviron you murdered your shbg. No estrogen + no shbg = dead dick. Do you even research what compounds do to your body?
You need estradiol to supply your shbg. Come off everything, stay at 120mg test or inject estradiol whatever you're into.