Anyone over 60 use Tren?


Im curious if anyone over 60 has used Tren recently? Im on TRT with Test E and low dose Deca (Imy joints love that stuff!). BF is getting low enough now that Im looking at changing it up a bit. Was always curious about Tren but dint know how it does with us old farts in a low dose. Feel free to flame me for stupidity for even considering it if you feel the need...I have pretty thick skin.

I do keep my labs checked every 6-12 weeks or so according to whats going on with me. All has been solid for quite a while and diet is on track...
problem with tren, also at loe dose, aren’t teal big with lab test…
are big with mental health
Totally theorized, but the one thing I have taken away from the medical field and from what I read here on these forums is that no one can give you the answer because no one can predict how a drug will interact with you personally...

This is true not just for roids, but pretty much every drug ever made. You will have to try it. You need to know and acknowledge the possible risks. If you are ok with the risk then go slow. Take very small doses and see what happens. If nothing, increase slowly.

Doctors do the same thing. They just have more data on their drugs (not always) and thus have a little more confidence but when things get complex, and there are tons of interactions and complications... they get just as nervous as we do. Imperfect science...
I seem to feel better mentally on Tren than not. Am I going to die soon?
in my opinion same risk as just going outside and the sun hitting our skin and the air we breath? I don’t know but plenty of stories of cows escaping slaughter houses by jumping +5 feet fences even though they weight a ton and living decades more lol those probably felt the tren the most
in my opinion same risk as just going outside and the sun hitting our skin and the air we breath? I don’t know but plenty of stories of cows escaping slaughter houses by jumping +5 feet fences even though they weight a ton and living decades more lol those probably felt the tren the most
That there is the exact reason why I made the decision to dip into the tren. Shit hit the fan and I needed to escape from the slaughterhouse.