Anyone ran high dose anadrol

Nothing crazy. What I like about it is we get to call:
Week 1 - 4: 50mg Adrol
Week 5 - 8: 100mg Adrol
Week 9 - 12: 150mg Adrol

The Scally protocol.

It's a lot better than the Abdulredah protocol from my clen studies (some Iraqi doctor used this protocol, totally didn't provide the clen, in a "cross-sectional" [non-interventional] study).
These were non AAS users if I’m not mistaken. Never did get to find out what their Test dosage was. Anadrol is pretty bad for blood pressure, no?
These were non AAS users if I’m not mistaken. Never did get to find out what their Test dosage was. Anadrol is pretty bad for blood pressure, no?
It's harsh on lipids (experimentally) and blood pressure (anecdotally). My initial thought from the first post (without his mentioning compound) was that Anadrol would do this, and without significant HPG axis suppression. It's Anadrol only (no test).
It's harsh on lipids (experimentally) and blood pressure (anecdotally). My initial thought from the first post (without his mentioning compound) was that Anadrol would do this, and without significant HPG axis suppression. It's Anadrol only (no test).
Fascinating. Thank you brother!

I’m not sure where you came from prior to Meso, but your knowledge is awesome and greatly appreciated here.
It's harsh on lipids (experimentally) and blood pressure (anecdotally). My initial thought from the first post (without his mentioning compound) was that Anadrol would do this, and without significant HPG axis suppression. It's Anadrol only (no test).
It makes sense for the blood pressure if it is also utilized to boost up rbc production.
Long ago even just 25mg Ed made me feel like crap. So not on the drol wagon. Don't do orals now for many years though
You guys have to be careful interpreting data (clinical trials, research abstracts or full text). Physiological rationales for dosing depends on the subject population. For example, in adults rhGH dosing is logically based on body mass (m^2); then at some point the WHO put out an advisory that dramatically curtailed doses based on tolerability. In children, doses are often like 0.1IU/kg 3x weekly (though an advisory was put out to get away from using IU in GH research, likely because it was readily comprehensible yet dangerous for this very reason for the average guy). Anecdote: A guy that posts here says/believes strongly that he developed congestive heart failure because he used doses from a study in children based on mg/kg. DO NOT DO THIS.
We're you saying someone had heart failure from hgh or anadrol ?
We're you saying someone had heart failure from hgh or anadrol ?
He attributes it to very high dose (I think he was blasting like 30IU daily) rhGH. That doesn't make it true... but at such tremendous dosages and the link to cardiomyopathy/LVH in acromegalics, there's certainly likely to be a synergistic effect with AAS+rhGH at such doses.
I will show a study... however it's NOT on trained individuals running other compounds like us.

"Indeed, with 50 and 100 mg/day of oxymetholone, total LBM increased by 3.3 ± 1.2 and 4.2 ± 2.4 kg, respectively. These effects are of a magnitude similar to that achieved with 125 and 300 mg of testosterone enanthate (2.9 ± 0.8 and 5.5 ± 0.7 kg, respectively"

The 100mg group only gained 0.9kg more than 50mg group.

Strength and other things were measured.
Toxicity values were measured.

Again, we are using other compounds and some high testosterone only. Results will differ.
The study has limitations, particularly very small sample size. Others are listed at end.

The only way to find out for yourself is run 50mg for 4 weeks, then bump to 100mg and see if it blows 50mg out the water.

It can kill some people's appetite at higher dosage.

Personally, I have ran 100mg. I have ran 50mg. I prefer 50mg. These aren't as high as others have ran.
Even at 50mg for me, back pumps sometimes become unbearable. The trap shoulder tie in also gets painful when doing shoulders.

Even 40mg ED is enough for dramatic results.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing. LFT changes very similar to 50 mg/day oxandrolone in my experience.