Arail Pharmaceuticals - US Domestic

We had some issues with a broken plugin for the site today but the matter has been resolved. Just wanted to hop on here and give a update for anyone who may have experienced any issues. Thank you for your patience!
I've sent 2ml samples and also a full vial.. same price.always use same size bubble's been a few months so price might change .. we shall see.. I just paid for a test this morning and will be sending sample off next day or 2 ill keep you posted.

For reference, my last shipment to Jano via pirate ship (3 vials). And this was for UPS expedited. I could have gotten it there much more inexpensively.
We had some issues with a broken plugin for the site today but the matter has been resolved. Just wanted to hop on here and give a update for anyone who may have experienced any issues. Thank you for your patience!

I see you have Parabolon (Tren-Hex). You and I might just have to become bros. Any recent tests on this compound by chance?
Wow a whole $75 huh? That can ALMOST get me one free vial of testosterone from your ridiculous ass. Sign me up!!!

If you want a product photo from Janoshik showing It's your product that involves shipping the entire $100 vial. Which is about $150 on its own in shipping, Plus obviously you're out the $100 vial plus $120 for testing. So total I'm out $370 and the product, but you'll make it up with $150 store credit.

You didn't think this through much
Fuck yeah man. You’ve been here less than a month and you’re a real hard ass. Read the discount code post…which is #1 btw and show us your shipping costs to jano for a 10ml sample since you’re a fucking expert.