Aromasin question


New Member

I am currently on this cycle:

250mg x 2 week
12.5mg aromasin ED
250ui hcg x 2 week

PCT Clomid+Novla

I am on my 3rd injection going onto my fourth this week.

I went from 6.25mg then jumped to 12.5mg but still feel normal. Libido is normal.

Should I try to up my dosage to 25mg ED or wait for symptoms to appear and then try to increase it at that time? Im curious if I should keep upping my dosage until I feel sides of aromasin and then back off to find my peak ?

I have Arimidex and Letro on hand as well just in case.

Although it has a very short half life, it typically takes a week or so to see or feel any changes with this AI with most users. You can stay the course @ 12.5mg per day and monitor, but i would not hesitate to increase to 25mg per day.

Any previous experience with AAS, regarding your estrogen levels, to reflect back on?
Nope this is my first cycle. I started 6.25mg last week August 10. It's been 8 days.

I started the 12.5mg on Aug 14th.

Would I feel any changes even with the 6.25mg?

I may bump it to 25mg.

A very small percentage of AAS users respond to 6.25mg. Thats why it is very unusual to hear of anyone crashing on Aromasin - including the fact that it increases testosterone. With your proposed cycle i wouldn't hesitate to increase to 25mg.
I bumped my Aroma to 25mg and im heading high blood pressure and hot flashes. I also continuously need to pee. I guess the high dosage is getting rid of water quicker?

are these sides from aroma?

i guess i should drop back to 12.5mg?
NO "41" year old would be asking these type of questions fella.

I mean it's obvious your inexperience is only exceeded by your ignorance of the drugs YOU chose to cycle and did so before conducting the type of research any "41 year old" would have already done.
I'd suggest running a smaller dose of aromasin, and waiting for sides of high e2 before you increase dosage.
It also depends on if you have real aromasin, or research grade from a peptide company.

You can always go get some bloodwork, and know whats what in about a week
Sorry Dr Jim I am no expert as yourself.

Considering I bought the gear 1.5-2 years ago, I've been reading endlessly. If I didn't read as much as I did I would of probably not bought any AI's or SERMs or HCG. I am trying to take all precautions. I am at 12.5mg and it appears to be doing well for me. Going into 4th week and my BP is almost normal. I will be trying 12.5mg EOD as well. I've ordered blood work to verify.

Again if your comment is going to be useless then keep it to yourself because I really don't care on your useless opinion.
Yea and that's the point, I don't care if you believe my comments are useless or useful bc I'm NOT posting them for those who vacillate about their age as a means of gaining credibility.

One more thing, I'm NO EXPERT and have never claimed to be, but I do know how to read between the lines of others, and your not 41 years old!
Your right i am 42. I bought the the gear when I was around 40 if I remember correctly. Ive had the gear for awhile and was not far from expiry. Anyways I've figured it out. Cheers.