

New Member
guys wtf i heve had this gyno under my right nip its decent sized feels like a pretty firm disc so im sure its fibrous now i dont expect this to get smaller but i had developed a pea sized lump in that hole directly behind my nip and it was i havent done anything shit just came outta nowhere so I hit it with some stane from a reputable place and it worked amazing for like 6 days I had sore ass shoulder and hands were achy so i know it was drying me out....ok that was 25mg/ED so it went away....i decded to do 12.5mg/eod for maintenance and my shit got sore and lumpy again and no more sore achy is this possible? any ideas? any help would be great....ive used adex and letro (AG) before with no at a loss im about to do my own surgery on this shit.
So id say 12.5mg/daay woul prob be the perfect dose but to really assess that you would need blood work.
Personally id just use stane to maanage my e2, id treat the gyno with raloxifene.
i think using an AI during cycle cn prevent most gyno from our aas use, but off cycle i would not use an AI if e2 is in normrange, even with gyno. for this i would agree with above and use a SERM . ralox seems to be best but even tamox would help. low-med dose for 3 or so months and re-asses yourself then. maybe you can avoid getting it cut out. if not you can go a bit longer but for alot of gyno to fully remove it it would need to be cut.

but plz dont use an AI to crash estrogen and starve gyno, its not optimal way.
I can't argue there. But what I was trying to portray is it is a better option for gyno than Nolvadex.

It's unclear whether it is or not. The one main study most refer to when saying it's more effective than nolva was lacking a control group. It has the potential to be be better but at this point it hasn't been conclusively shown to my knowledge.
Adex and letro did shit for me aromasin seems to work well but now is starting not to I will hit it up with raloxifene I'm seriously close to removing it myself....