Ascendant Labs

BR, explain the npp test, you posted pictures, but not details on everything. Basically asking for interpretation of results.
Whats up Mr Ballz? Haven't talked to you in a minute! I see your getting ready for a new log soon!!!! Very exciting!:)
Definitely, that's the person with the most experience.

Ha, you guys do know I'm color blind, right?

I would have to see the NPP in person to make up my mind, but the others look like passes. The darker green from the prop looks like a lighting issue, not a different color IMO.
Whats up Mr Ballz? Haven't talked to you in a minute! I see your getting ready for a new log soon!!!! Very exciting!:)

Jumpin' Joe, yea man, prob end of this month... Was going to start sooner but we're going on vacation in a couple weeks, I'll be pinning the day we get back.. :)
Ha, you guys do know I'm color blind, right?

I would have to see the NPP in person to make up my mind, but the others look like passes. The darker green from the prop looks like a lighting issue, not a different color IMO.

Color Blind?!!:eek:
Sir, I do believe you jest. [:o)]
JB since your hear I have a question you would be one I would trust the answer. So there is no labmax for mast e so I hae been trying to figure a way to maybe bro science a test so to speak. I am sadly using pep's under dosed test e but I think I got the dosing figured out close enough I am also running AL mast e and I am at 6 weeks n the test and a monthish on the mast so if I get bloods done and the mast e is good my test should be high and est normalish based on mast e having a little ai effect if you follow. If its not mast e or mast p like bio and pep's were my test should be high and est higher as well right???? I have aromasin on hand but haven't used it yet. Does this sound plausible as a bro test?
JB since your hear I have a question you would be one I would trust the answer. So there is no labmax for mast e so I hae been trying to figure a way to maybe bro science a test so to speak. I am sadly using pep's under dosed test e but I think I got the dosing figured out close enough I am also running AL mast e and I am at 6 weeks n the test and a monthish on the mast so if I get bloods done and the mast e is good my test should be high and est normalish based on mast e having a little ai effect if you follow. If its not mast e or mast p like bio and pep's were my test should be high and est higher as well right???? I have aromasin on hand but haven't used it yet. Does this sound plausible as a bro test?

Ehhh... Interesting idea but I strongly believe mast's anti-e properties are completely overrated..
I believe everything was a pass with the exception of possibly NPP. I did not see a color change at all with the A vial, the B vial was not fluorescent either. I can gladly forward the pics to anyone if it will help make a determination.

I will also be running a second test on the NPP this evening to compare to the first. Feel free to PM me if you have questions. Thanks guys.
Thanks for posting the results BR. They at least show the gear you received is different than what ebk and Dave received. Not sure if there are batch numbers on the vials, but it would be interesting to know when the different orders were placed.
Thanks for posting the results BR. They at least show the gear you received is different than what ebk and Dave received. Not sure if there are batch numbers on the vials, but it would be interesting to know when the different orders were placed.

Not sure about batch numbers, I will post mine this evening. I received all of the products I tested around Christmas. I ordered right after he opened up shop around Dec 15.
Thanks for posting the results BR. They at least show the gear you received is different than what ebk and Dave received. Not sure if there are batch numbers on the vials, but it would be interesting to know when the different orders were placed.

Every UGL I've asked has said the batch numbers they use don't mean anything.. Who knows, maybe helix does keep track..

Thanks for testing BR, this at least shows he has some legit gear..

Unfortunately helix himself acknowledged BR as a vet several times so no doubt he would've gotten the cream of the crop..