Asia Pharma is UGL


New Member
After doing some research i've come to find many people say Asia Pharma is just another UGL.

Besides that fancy video on their site, theres no proof its a real company. I've even read that some medical places in UK have never even heard of Asia Pharma, red flag?

I see all this talk of FDA approved, human grade, etc etc but where is the proof?

I "googled" awhile only to find links to other BB sites talking about the quality of "AP"

Some of this research came from people who are very well respected on other forums. Some say they got good gear, some say they got dirty gear, all of it coming from the same source.

So if i'm wrong and its not a UGL, just correct me with proper medical sources proving its truely a Pharm company.

After almost ordering some AP with some issues with the source, i'm glad I didn't get that route. Not only did I save a ton of money, but I can get gear from a legit UGL who has a lot of rep, and doesn't try to market as a "Pharm" company.

Many people in my original thread had commented that certain BB steroids were not ever made for humans, therefore proving again it was a UGL.

Although these are only a few of sources I have, I found a pattern... Between 95-99% of the people who gave credit to AP or "the source who sells AP" were people with less then 10 posts, and extremely bad English. Not only that, but the style of writing was almost exactly the same. Now I'm no idiot and understand English isn't the 1st language, but almost EVERY source who gave "thumbs up" didn't speak good English.

Asia Pharma Front, The Jig Is Up | Gossip

Asia Pharma ugl or human? - Muscle Chat Bodybuilding Forum - Fitness and Sports Nutrition

human or ugl-asia pharma? - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology

asia pharma - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology

Asia pharma gear - UK-Muscle Body Building Community - Bodybuilding Forum

Commented by Mason "Tren, EQ and many other products BB's use CANNOT in anyway shape or forum be FDA approved as they are not made or intended for human consumption in any country PERIOD!

A lab can produce to GMP standards on their own and abide by the rules but no one is checking and that lab would not be Licensed for anything and if they were why sell on the black market illegally when you can do it legally in the Pharmaceutical world. Been doing this a long long time and never seen a UGL who produces anything that would get passed by the FDA as Human grade get approved for a license.

Commented by Mike "Notice it says "This site does not produce *SEX Hormones* (which would be steroids.)

So this Asian Pharma must not be related to the one that does sell the hormones, which would only mean the one that is selling hormones is not FDA approved...

ALSO notice it is no longer VALID! "Valid until January 28, 2010"

This goes to show that the lab producing steroids under the Asian-Pharma lab name must be a UGL, and they exploit the fact that a lab that does NOT produce steroids was once FDA approved.

Commented by irish "World Pharma is a SCAM... -"

To this date, I've been given no real proof of Asia Pharma being a pharma lab. No proof besides fancy videos/pictures/labels.