Aspirin for systemic inflammation ?

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Or is it better to see a doctor instead of self-medicating?
Depends on how experienced you are, then you can work with a online lab without a therapist. In some countries, nystatin is only available if prescribed by a doctor.
But the fact is that, without a healthy gut you will never get in shape.
A bad joke. There is so much bad info about Candida out there from the likes of “Dr.” Berg, etc.
I didn't see the information you are referring too, but please explain why it is bad information?

And if you know so much, then how about you explain Candida to us. I want to know what you know. I also know a lot about candida. Perhaps we can share our knowledge and collaborate.
I didn't see the information you are referring too, but please explain why it is bad information?

And if you know so much, then how about you explain Candida to us. I want to know what you know. I also know a lot about candida. Perhaps we can share our knowledge and collaborate.
My comment mostly has to do with the idea that by seeing what you’ve (well, not YOU, but OP) left in the toilet as a way to tell that the candida has been pooped out. Taking lots of aspirin and ACV can destroy your epithelial cells in the intestine making it look like there’s been a die off of the candida when you shit out what looks like tiny fibers or worms. To say lab testing isn’t needed is reminiscent of “Dr.” Berg’s claim that there are large populations with undiagnosed (and undiagnosable) candida, Lyme disease, etc. Which may or may not be the case, but how the fuck would a chiropractor be the best source of that info?
First get the uninvited guests out and then let the desired ones in. That is the key. Depending on the case, there are different things to consider. Therefore, a microbiome analysis is important. Simply adding probiotics often does not work because there is no place for them. Like a packed football stadium where every seat is taken, new guests will not find a seat and will come out again.
My comment mostly has to do with the idea that by seeing what you’ve (well, not YOU, but OP) left in the toilet as a way to tell that the candida has been pooped out. Taking lots of aspirin and ACV can destroy your epithelial cells in the intestine making it look like there’s been a die off of the candida when you shit out what looks like tiny fibers or worms. To say lab testing isn’t needed is reminiscent of “Dr.” Berg’s claim that there are large populations with undiagnosed (and undiagnosable) candida, Lyme disease, etc. Which may or may not be the case, but how the fuck would a chiropractor be the best source of that info?

There seems to be this thing in society where people have a bully mentality, and by default, they go pick on chiropractors and call them quacks, but is that really appropriate?Chiropractors are extremely well educated and have to pass difficult examinations and licensure requirements. If they make mistakes, they'll be sued and out of business quickly. A lot of chiropractors are pretty much internal medicine practitioners.

If you have the brains to become a Chiropractor, then you are able to become a doctor. A lot of chiropractors are forced to treat patients who have been failed by other doctors, and have nowhere else to turn. A lot of the most difficult medical situations will end up in a chiropractor's hands. Because of that, a lot of chiropractors gain a lot of experience and develop a lot of problem solving solutions. They are also open to alternative treatments because they aren't as regulated or dictated too by the "system". Very often, chiropractors are more knowledgeable about cutting edge research, while the average MD never looks at research again after they start practicing. Hopefully they have some really smart pharma reps who can talk to them about more than just the drugs they are selling. That's the extent of the average MD's continued education. It's sad but true.

This Dr. Berg (I don't know him) would be correct: there is massive undiagnosed Lyme and candida etc. I don't know why you'd be dismissive of that. It's real. It's extremely difficult to diagnose and figure out Lyme.

But I agree that candida is misunderstood and people will assume something is candida but they are just slapping a label onto something they don't understand. Like the OP here: apple cidar vinegar is not enough. He has no idea what he's doing or seeing. Does he have candida? Or no? What does he have? I don't feel confident in his self diagnosis. I certainly disagree with his self treatment with Apple cidar vinegar.
I disagree. I do not see any evidence, neither in their practice nor in their published education plans, that chiropractors receive anywhere near the level of biology and organic chemistry training to address medical issues or even digest any research they are reading.

But again, my comments were addressed to OP, where it seems you and I agree that he does not possess the knowledge to self-diagnose this. He seems to be parroting information that is promoted by YouTube experts, the most popular of which seem to stem from the marketing of Eric Berg.
But again, my comments were addressed to OP, where it seems you and I agree that he does not possess the knowledge to self-diagnose this. He seems to be parroting information that is promoted by YouTube experts, the most popular of which seem to stem from the marketing of Eric Berg.

Funny how circle jerking with another member in private makes you sense you are so high above the rest of us.

I have been self-diagnosing and experimenting for the past 7 years secondary to the injury of a methyl-mercury filled hepatitis vaccine, the consequences of which are, to cite only a few, massive weight loss, dysbiosis, brain fog, muscle atrophy, depression.

I have the regret to say that none of the Drs present on Youtube have taken part to this diagnosis, Dr Berg was no exception to that.

The only Dr that proved usefull thanks to his detailed and holistic comprehension of the energy systems in Raymond Peat.
Reading his articles will provide you with a great deal of knowledge in biology.

After 10 000usd worth of consultations and just as much in supplements, I finally went the heavy metal chelation route, which has proven very successfull for the past 2 years and has been causing 90% remission.

You most likely ignore this : one of the roles of candida in the gut is to create a protective envelope that surrounds heavy metals to prevent their ill actions.
Once you start chelating heavy metals with either Alpha Lipoic Acid or OSR, a great deal of candida is being let loose as the heavy metals are chelated.

You then get all the classic symptoms of gut candida : headaches, nausea, water retention, difficulty sleeping.
An ACV enema suffices to flush those off-white strings of candida in the toilet bowl, instantly relieving the symptoms in a matter of hours.

But I guess it must be some gut lining being stripped away causing that relief ...

Looks like you still have some way to go in the department of biology and self experimenting, not everything is found in medical books.


I’ve been taking baby aspirin daily since my early 20s based on very loose data on cancer prevention.

Turns out it actually can in a big way, especially colorectal cancer. Always happy to see that gamble pay off!
I take aspirin regularly for inflammation. I always take it with a spoon of glycine powder though, after reading it helps protect the stomach lining. In the past, if i used aspirin for more than a few days on the trot, i'd end up seeing blood in the toilet. Since using glycine with it though i've had no trouble.

Aspirin works In an interesting way alongside omega 3 too, something to do with resolvins -
