At 48, want to do my first cycle....


New Member
So first a little background on myself....I'm 48, been training fairly hard for the past two years. A few years ago, I noticed I was aging and went to a clinic and my T was measured at 503, all other labs normal and good. Doc put me on HCG, and I did not do well on it. Lowered my T the lower 300 range. I quit the clinic and did my own thing. For the past 14 months I have kept my T level between 680-720 using 12.5mg of clomid every three days!! All other labs good. Gains have been modest and overall I feel better. During this time, I have hit the gym hard, but want more success.

After doing some extensive research, I would like to try an 8 week cycle of Andarine or S4. Expensive and new, I know, but the potential sides seem minimal. My biggest fear is the restarting everything after the cycle. My questions are as follow:

Given my age, and prior poor experience with HCG, should I still use it while cycling? Or should I use my lower dose of Clomid? Should I wait and use Clomid after the cycle? I have strong and normal labs on Clomid now and would like to return to these numbers after completing this 8 week cycle.

Also, anyone have experience using Andarine, S4? I have read the entire protocol and how to dose and step this medication up. So I'm good there. I know about the temporary vision issues etc...

Just looking for some overall advice and tips on how to prep, take my cycle and resstart everything to where I am now, when finished.
if you wont restart on test you probably wont restart on s4 at least with test you will see results, mine would restart up till I was 60 when I decided to go on trt