Aussie steroids?


New Member
Hey guys

Just wanted to know if any of my fellow Aussie’s have had any luck with getting supplies from Aus? I’m going to order from QSC raws. According to their domestic aus list they only have Mast P.
But I have a friend who wants to buy ready made for himself.

I’ve tried good ol google but the sites just seem dodge and the suppliers I used back in the day don’t exist anymore.

I am not asking for anyone’s specific sources etc, just any advice?

Cheers legends
You are getting the raws anyway? Just make some for him.

I’m buying Raws for test base gel.

I’m not going to buy Raws and the equipment just to make him oils.

If I was making oils for myself sure I’d do it for him too.

Thanks for the reply mate ✌


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