Bad anxiety and panic from first test cycle

Idk, it seems to me anxiety would be due to not enough serotonin to calm down any aggression which is actually the fight part of fight or flight aka fear- adrenaline/nor adrenaline response. Yes test can increase dopamine but something about you or what you're doing be it mentally or something you're taking or not taking has you in a state where you lack enough serotonin to calm it down. If you had enough serotonin then imo if the test caused you more aggression then the anxiety would have come on more over time as you depleted it before being able to restore it. So it leads me to believe for whatever reason you already were serotonin depleted if it came on sudden like when the test kicked in. So, if I were you; I'd buy some 5-HTP and see if taking it for a day or 2 made any difference. If it calms you down even for a few hours or even just 1 hour- then you know serotonin or lack thereof is your problem. It doesn't solve it though bc the cause of your serotonin depletion is still not solved. Plus, not only do you need to raise serotonin but you need to prevent it's depletion whether by blocking the transporters and adding serotonin via supplementation, proper diet or by changing what is causing it being it unconscious beliefs or some substance you are using like lots of some CNS stimulant like caffeine for example.

So I would try taking some 5- HTP for a couple of days to see if I felt any difference and if you do: I feel that maybe testosterone being the output/assert hormone maybe just exacererbated it be it via asserting/putting out more fear/aggression/fight or flight or what causes that in you. But it seems to me if the test kicking in brought that on pretty suddenly then you were already depleted or close to depleted.

I have had good results from taking St John's Wort just for a couple of weeks to allow my serotonin to build back up as it takes the most 2 weeks to restore serotonin with proper nutrition or supplementation.
St John's Wort is not an ongoing solution bc it has negative effects you can look up yourself. However along with 5-HTP supplementation for a couple of weeks has worked for me and others before without causing too many problems but still it doesn't solve the cause. If it's just too much CNS stimulant then that's easy to solve just cut it out. It it's unconscious belief or a worry habit- you must find those to replace with more effective beliefs or find a way to get out of that habit or replace with better habit- which also takes time. You can probably discover alot of things about your mind/mental habits just by surrendering action and reaction and also judgement and simply watching your mind/thoughts as it runs without any action but pure observation just to experience/see/hear it. That's how you find unconscious things or by going to therapy and spending $ and putting your trust in a therapist to guide you.

I don't claim any of this to be all encompassing truth or to be perfectly right or not. Don't believe it. Test it, research it. Try it up to where it would be harmful to do so but it may be a clue to you finding your problem and then being able to solve it is a whole other thing. I depleted my serotonin in alot of ways when younger both with things like MDMA and prior to that with the habit of worrying which was really bc I hadn't seen the illusion of control yet: that whatever you control or attempt to control controls you just by making you try to control it. So I had to solve that to get out of that illusion and into personal responsibility through which freedom is attained and allowing others' their personal responsibility or not too. I also had to unidentify with beliefs/thoughts from experiences put into my head by others and others' control of past situations I formed beliefs from. Now, I don't worry, don't have anxiety, don't do any substances that would deplete serotonin, and I'm old so I only do low end TRT doses. So I'm sharing this experience for anyone to use or disregard as they wish. Just don't believe it nor disbelieve it: look for yourself!