Bad Skin


New Member
Has anyone else experienced rough skin and pimples on the chest and arms from HGH? Its similar to sides of high E2.
Could it be possible high turnover of new skin cells?
I’ll get these little bumps on my skin. A lot of new skin tags also. It’s the only side that really bothers me with gh.
As for me, I've had my fair share of skin woes. From acne breakouts to dry patches, it's been a rollercoaster ride trying to find the right solutions. While I can't offer a magic fix, I've learned that experimenting with different skincare products and ingredients can sometimes yield surprising results.Now, onto the topic of solutions – have you considered trying (<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0)">Argireline peptide</span>)? I've heard some positive buzz about its effectiveness in addressing various skincare concerns. It might be worth adding to your arsenal of skincare remedies as you continue your quest for smoother, clearer skin.