best 30g needles for subq injections?

ok cool! The scar tissue i have from pinning shallow IM caused parts of my ventroglute to have that cracking sound and i started getting bursitis-like pain (feels like upper IT band pain) after squats since I have it. I do not have a lot of fat in my outer thighs though, do you pinch it together before pinning?

ah alright. thanks makes sense. Indeed my lack of rotation for a relatively small period led me to have scar tissue. The main culprit also was the 26G, with a higher injection frequency.
Pull the skin out shoot release. Works anywhere on me.
Great! I have those 0.5 ML 29G syringes here as well. Might as well give them a go.

Which larger gauge are you using for drawing? 18? 21?
I usually draw with a 23g and jab with 25g

You could go with a lower gauge, but I've also seen a lot of people complain that the rubber stopper on the vial gets messed up after a while if you're drawing with too large of a needle, which can potentially cause contamination in the vial if pieces of rubber start falling in.

I don't get this issue drawing with a 23g. Sure it may be a tad slower than 18, but a few extra seconds of wait time is bearable
I usually draw with a 23g and jab with 25g

You could go with a lower gauge, but I've also seen a lot of people complain that the rubber stopper on the vial gets messed up after a while if you're drawing with too large of a needle, which can potentially cause contamination in the vial if pieces of rubber start falling in.

I don't get this issue drawing with a 23g. Sure it may be a tad slower than 18, but a few extra seconds of wait time is bearable

I use 21G to fill my vials from amps. those 18G filter needles really poke holes in the rubber.

I like the sound of 23G for drawing. If i ever switch back to the luer syringes I probably will use those instead of drawing with a 27/28/29/30G. thanks!
how long does it take gear to leave a 30 g needle?

i find a 25 takes forever so i stick with 23
i have always had the idea that jamming such a big needle in can't be good for muscle tissue. Not sure if true, but to me it also seems that injecting at a more steady/slow pace does less damage than jamming a needle in and pumping everything in as fast as possible. At least that thought keeps me patient.
i have always had the idea that jamming such a big needle in can't be good for muscle tissue. Not sure if true, but to me it also seems that injecting at a more steady/slow pace does less damage than jamming a needle in and pumping everything in as fast as possible. At least that thought keeps me patient.
yeah I get that but if it takes less than 2 minutes with a 23 and it doesnt dance around, compared to 5 plus minutes with a smaller guage i figure i am less likely to hold it stable
no idea how yall are taking “5+ minutes” with a 30G… use a 1 ML, not the 3ML big boys 30g doesnt work well with them.

I pin delts and 30G takes me less than 30 seconds for a full 1ML.

SHAOTONG 30 Gauge off of amazon if you dont want to pay the BD price, fukers at my pharmacy wont order me 30g BD, 15 dollars vs 50 online so I just use the amazon ones
The deltoid muscle is most often used as the site for IM injections in adults. Needle length is usually 1"–1½", 22–25 gauge, but a longer or shorter needle may be needed depending on the patient's weight.Jul 21, 2020
Thats taken directly from a doctors website. Idk man if you are using an insulin needle to shoot oil based compounds idk if injectable gear is for you. Those for insulin says right on there. Just my opinion.
because thats not how you do it. When you get a IM shot from a doctor do they use a 30g needle?

That's not a reasonable argument man, it makes no sense. Doctors don't shoot test to patients, their average patients are not between 8-14% bodyfat and their not going to doctor eod or ed for a shot. Medical practices and bodybuilding aspirations differ much.
Thanks for sharing! I think this is the preferred solution for subQ if residual oil is no issue, or do these not leave a lot behind?
Rest ?
Leave an air bubble on top where the plunger is, and the left over is minimal.
So after draw-up, hold the syringe with needle side down, so the air goes up.
That's not a reasonable argument man, it makes no sense. Doctors don't shoot test to patients, their average patients are not between 8-14% bodyfat and their not going to doctor eod or ed for a shot. Medical practices and bodybuilding aspirations differ much.
What i meant is that oil based drugs should be shot deeper with a bigger gauge. All im saying is you will be better off doing it this way. If you want to take 30 mins to draw and shoot your gear be my guest but I would get so annoyed that way I can draw and shoot in 2 minutes. Shit I get annoyed drawing my gh up with a 31g cuz its too fucking slow. Listen bro I know what im talking about here ive been using gear for many years and ive tried using all different kinds of needles/sizes and the best is going to be 25g for gear and 30g for peptides. gear needle should be at least half and inch i like 5/8 in 25g. Learn from my trials and try it. Subq injections of oil is a bad idea dont listen to moreplateslessdates he doenst know shit about gear.