best cutting cycle


New Member
Finished my bulk cycle
got good results.
i will be starting my cut cycle in October.
Want some input on best cut cycles and diet to go along with it.
Thansk Bro's
Finished my bulk cycle
got good results.
i will be starting my cut cycle in October.
Want some input on best cut cycles and diet to go along with it.
Thansk Bro's

You have the right idea, asking for diet and not just "What gear should I use?" I really feel like I can make any gear either bulk or cut based on how I diet and how I train.

I like a Test Prop/ Anavar/ Tren A combo for cutting. Problem comes with your ability to do cardio on Tren. I can do it, but it will wind me a good deal more than usual.

Many disagree but I like adding Clen to a cut cycle as well.

Eating clean is more important that anything. You may be suprised how many calories you can eat and still get ripped when you eat as clean as possible. Sodium and simple sugars are the enemy here.
sounds good,
i agree that any cycle can be cut or bulk based on traing diet and sleep. im thinking somethin like this:

Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 1 to 8: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 1 to 8: 50mg of winny ED
Week 1 to 10: 50mg of proviron ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid therapy

bro on my bulk cycle my sex drive was THROUGH THE ROOF!!
what should i expect in that department on cut cycle?
sounds good,
i agree that any cycle can be cut or bulk based on traing diet and sleep. im thinking somethin like this:

Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 1 to 8: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 1 to 8: 50mg of winny ED
Week 1 to 10: 50mg of proviron ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid therapy

bro on my bulk cycle my sex drive was THROUGH THE ROOF!!
what should i expect in that department on cut cycle?

It'll crash unless you kick the Test prop up to 100mg/e.d. or something like that. I don't like the Tren and Winny exceeding the Prop in dosage. End up with "deca dick" thats just me though. I don't usually like Winny though. Makes my joints hurt...may just be me. I'd substitute Anavar.
Finished my bulk cycle
got good results.
i will be starting my cut cycle in October.
Want some input on best cut cycles and diet to go along with it.
Thansk Bro's

Just my two cents...

12 weeks Tren A 100mg EoD
12 weeks Test P 150mg EoD
Last 6 weeks Winny 25mg ED

T3 taper .025mg up to .1mg week 1 (and week 9)
T3 taper slowly .1mg down to .025mg weeks 2 - 4 (and weeks 10 - 12)

Albuterol is WAY better for me than Clenbuterol. Read up on it. You don't get the shakes. You don't need Keto in order to take it longer than two weeks. More positives and fewer negatives.

Assuming that you have full understanding of all your PCT. I reccommend Dostinex and Adex throughout the cycle.

Result = Cut and Hard with significant decrease in body fat while increase in size and strength.


Good info here on the responses! I wanted to know what you think about taking these for a LEAN bulk?? I want to do a bulk but I hate the fact that I get bloated or lose the cut look! I know that diet is the key to this but I have hit a WALL when it comes to adding lean mass and I really want to stay lean during the bulk!

Any help would be great!
Good info here on the responses! I wanted to know what you think about taking these for a LEAN bulk?? I want to do a bulk but I hate the fact that I get bloated or lose the cut look! I know that diet is the key to this but I have hit a WALL when it comes to adding lean mass and I really want to stay lean during the bulk!

Any help would be great!

What is your cycle experience?
what were your gains? what are your stats now? sure oyu even need a cutter? its almost winter time - bulk is the word of the day not cutting
I think you can be fine with the tren dosage above the test dosage. From my experience, it's a bit of a myth that if you don't run test higher than a nandrolone or trenbolone you will have libido issues. But, if the dose variation is significant, then you can definitely have issues. The real question here is do you really need 525mg of Tren EW to get the job done with your first usage of it in a cycle? Probably not, you could easily take 50mg ED of Prop and Tren A for 350mg EW and do just fine.

Remember, on a cut cycle you're not trying to gain mass, but rather trying to expel adipose tissue while RETAINING muscle mass and slightly increasing strength. That 350mg dose of Tren EW should be more than enough to help you retain the muscle you already have and may even be enough to add some muscle (although, you shouldn't be expecting it). IMO, cut cycles are much harder on the psyche than bulk cycles. With a solid bulk cycle, you see measurable results almost daily after a certain point in your cycle. With a cut cycle, the results are minimal daily because you only have so much fat to lose. The upper limit is much higher while bulking. Therefore, you should go into the cycle with expectations that match your frame of mind. If you're 15% BF and expecting to drop to 4% with a 10 week cutter, than you need to revise your train of thought.

That being said, believe there are certain "zones" in which people should consider AAS use for cutting:

sub 12% BF - AAS will be beneficial in helping retain muscle (for most, not all)
13% - 18% - No AAS use yet, use Clen if you really feel the "need" to use something
19% or over - Fat Loss is more important than muscle at this point, no AAS or Clen, etc.

It's crucial to realize that in the third "zone" that I mentioned, it will be highly benficial to the user to cut down without the use of drugs so you learn how to be committed and organized. This applies not just to the gym, but to most daily activities in life. You'll be surprised how much more organized and on track your life will become once you get your diet and training in check. For most people, "dieting" is the #1 thing they just don't want to do. So, don't think of it as a diet, but more a way of life. A good majority of people put the weight right back on (and more) when they finish these so called "miracle diets." You owe it to yourself and your family (and/or future family) to learn how to eat right so you will be in god health.

There are many people who put far too much emphasis on supplement use and not enough on diet. Supplement, as described in the dictionary, is "something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole." This definition does not say that a supplement makes or breaks something. It does not say that a process will fail without it. Think of AAS use the same way. If your cup is half full, steroids just won't do you much good. if your cup is a shot from being full, AAS can be that one last shot for you....but that's all it should be.

So, all I'm saying to everyone out there is really think about what you are doing. Say it out loud if you need to and see if it makes sense for the long term. I am definitely guilty of living too much in the now from time to time. You'll get so much more satisfaction in knowing you were a part of the plan and your "supplement" doesn't define you. If you are 25% BF and clen helps you down to 15% BF, where do you go from there? Do you keep using clen for the rest of your life to ensure you keep the fat off? I think not.

That's my philosophical lesson for the day. Thanks for taking the time to read my rant :D

Good info here on the responses! I wanted to know what you think about taking these for a LEAN bulk?? I want to do a bulk but I hate the fact that I get bloated or lose the cut look! I know that diet is the key to this but I have hit a WALL when it comes to adding lean mass and I really want to stay lean during the bulk!

Any help would be great!

I doubt that you could stay any leaner than with the advice I just gave you bro. As far as diet, GetSome is correct. It's a lifestyle. Excuse me while I go make a snack.

1 bananna
2 cups blueberrries
1 cup blackberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1 cup light sugar free strawberry yogurt
3 tablespoons peanut butter
4 scoops Biochem 100% whey protein isolate (chocolate fudge)
a little filtered water and about 1 minute in the blender on high.

this is my daily treat. this is how I combine eating right with supplements. this takes care of my sugar cravings. Later I will have brown rice with my 7 vegetable stir fry. Almost nothing that I eat right now can really add to fat or make me gain.

But with the exact cycle I showed you above I am gaining noticeable lean, hard muscle. Every day I feel like I look a little bit thinner (lower body fat) and I can tell by how defined my abs look and also trys and pecs. My back is always cut, same with my legs so these are the areas that I notice. And yes I am getting stronger. Tren A / Test P makes me an animal.

Never eat fast food, junk food, or just about anything in the "middle" of the grocery store. As far as food goes, my general rule is ONE INGREDIENT. For example, carrot, broccoli, steak, chicken, bannana, basil, garlic, ... and you make your own meals from your one ingredient items. It will take a while to purify your body. In fact you may want to think about heeavy metal detox and a intestinal detox. I have heard of bros unable to cut weight because of problems in these areas.


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I am 25 years old, 6 foot even, 190lbs...My Bf% is a bit high around 19%, I am starting a cutting cycle with tren A and test P. I was just wondering on your thoughts on this choice and if it should work for me. I obviously know dieting has a major part in it and have part ready to rock. I know the tren will gas me in my cardio but im still willing to push myself 3/4 times a week even after i am winded. Im going lots of high reps in the gym, with cardio, and great low fat diet. I start in 2 weeks. Any suggestions or opinions and even thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

You have the right idea, asking for diet and not just "What gear should I use?" I really feel like I can make any gear either bulk or cut based on how I diet and how I train.

I like a Test Prop/ Anavar/ Tren A combo for cutting. Problem comes with your ability to do cardio on Tren. I can do it, but it will wind me a good deal more than usual.

Many disagree but I like adding Clen to a cut cycle as well.

Eating clean is more important that anything. You may be suprised how many calories you can eat and still get ripped when you eat as clean as possible. Sodium and simple sugars are the enemy here.

I'm billydidit and I approve of the previous message.


I am 25 years old, 6 foot even, 190lbs...My Bf% is a bit high around 19%, I am starting a cutting cycle with tren A and test P. I was just wondering on your thoughts on this choice and if it should work for me. I obviously know dieting has a major part in it and have part ready to rock. I know the tren will gas me in my cardio but im still willing to push myself 3/4 times a week even after i am winded. Im going lots of high reps in the gym, with cardio, and great low fat diet. I start in 2 weeks. Any suggestions or opinions and even thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


As far as I can tell, high reps helping to cut you up is one of the biggest myths you'll hear about around the gym. Most of the guys I know who cut successfully use the same routine on a cut cycle as a bulk cycle. They just change up their diet and the gear they use.

As far as gear is concerned, I think you only need about half the gear for an agressive cutting cycle as you would for an aggressive bulker. While 750mg of Test and 600+mg of Deca with 100mg ED of Drol might make for a glorious bulker, 350mg of test and tren will go a long way when cutting.the only high dosed item here that may be bneficial is anavar or winny.

On that note, when both Var and Win are dosed at 100mg ED, Winny is a far superior compund but has greater side effects. When compared with 100mg ED Var and 50mg ED winny the compounds are very close in effectiveness in my mind. However, you can take Var at a much higher dosage for a longer period of time without having to worry as much about liver values. 100mg ED of Winny is the best oral steroid high I have ever experienced. My veins bulge out of my skin and I can push ridiculous amounts of weight. However, my joints and my hair begin to hate me after a littl bit.

Bottom line is, do more research on a solid diet and training regimen. This should be what takes you to the next level.
As far as I can tell, high reps helping to cut you up is one of the biggest myths you'll hear about around the gym. Most of the guys I know who cut successfully use the same routine on a cut cycle as a bulk cycle. They just change up their diet and the gear they use.

As far as gear is concerned, I think you only need about half the gear for an agressive cutting cycle as you would for an aggressive bulker. While 750mg of Test and 600+mg of Deca with 100mg ED of Drol might make for a glorious bulker, 350mg of test and tren will go a long way when cutting.the only high dosed item here that may be bneficial is anavar or winny.

On that note, when both Var and Win are dosed at 100mg ED, Winny is a far superior compund but has greater side effects. When compared with 100mg ED Var and 50mg ED winny the compounds are very close in effectiveness in my mind. However, you can take Var at a much higher dosage for a longer period of time without having to worry as much about liver values. 100mg ED of Winny is the best oral steroid high I have ever experienced. My veins bulge out of my skin and I can push ridiculous amounts of weight. However, my joints and my hair begin to hate me after a littl bit.

Bottom line is, do more research on a solid diet and training regimen. This should be what takes you to the next level.

Winny is a Ford Tempo and Anavar is a freakin Audi S5. They both get you where you wanna go, but it all depends on how you wanna ride! [:o)]
Winny is a Ford Tempo and Anavar is a freakin Audi S5. They both get you where you wanna go, but it all depends on how you wanna ride! [:o)]

you really think so Rob?(serious question... no flame)

Do you base this on personal experience? Because I was under the assumption that is was reversed....
I use winny. WInny for hardness right? What is this Anavar you speak of and what does it do? Why would it be superior? (besides perhaps the joint pain associated with winny)


you really think so Rob?(serious question... no flame)

Do you base this on personal experience? Because I was under the assumption that is was reversed....

I'm just makin a goof....I do like anavar much better personally. Winny just hurts me...makes me feel old and "creaky" like my joints are just dust. I'm old, but not THAT old!! lol!
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Deca makes me hold so much water weight. EQ or NPP over Deca for cutting bro!

EQ all the way woohoo! This is especially awesome if you can find a short estered boldenone such as propionate or acetate. I've seen a few products that combine those 2 esters for a nice 100mg/ml mix. Even Boldenone cypionate (which I have seen) is better than that damned Undecylenate ester! Shit takes forever to kick in and get rid of! Haha

