Best cycle tailored for my goals?


I’m really at a crossroads right now in how I want to be proceed this summer. I’m your opinion what would be the best cycle for what I want

1. This is going to be a cutting cycle first and foremost

2. I want to stay as dry as possible specially my face, I don’t want any moon face. As silly as it may seem a bloated face just messes with me mentally

3. I want to stay as dry and full as possible simultaneously

4. Lastly I want to feel good mentally and physically, meaning no issues with anxiety, cardio, sex drive or sleep

I fear that if I run a low test cycle I’ll look significantly smaller and lose a lot of strength. But if I run higher test to stay full I run the risk of turning into a water buffalo.

So is it a matter of choosing between dryness and aesthetics vs strength and fullness? Or can I have a balance of both?

Have any of you guys ran a cutting cycle that achieved the best balance of the two?
What have you run before?
How well do you tolerate test a different doses?
Im not sure anymore tbh. I’ve run high test doses in the past with success, however I was overusing AIs so there were times where I’d hit a sweet spot and then feel crashed.

I really want to run high dose of test with minimal ai and hopefully I won’t experience any moon face as long as I keep diet dialed in. I’m not sure what to do so I would like to hear everyone else’s experience
Im not sure anymore tbh. I’ve run high test doses in the past with success, however I was overusing AIs so there were times where I’d hit a sweet spot and then feel crashed.

I really want to run high dose of test with minimal ai and hopefully I won’t experience any moon face as long as I keep diet dialed in. I’m not sure what to do so I would like to hear everyone else’s experience
Titrate up with test and masteron/primo. Like so 200 t 100 mas/pri then every 4 weeks bump up 100mg for each all the way up until u experience estrogenic side effects. Then pull the test dose down back to what u could tolerate.with temporary 10 days of nolvadex. And fill the mg amount with the mas/primo. And I’d say hang out there or push up with a higher ratio with the mas/primo above the test mg amount and see how many more mg u can get with the anti estrogen effects with MAs/primo. I’d do that for about 24 weeks
Test and Mast.

Get bloodwork 4-5 weeks in and adjust AI as needed.
"Moonface" is going to have more to do with diet than with estrogen unless you aromatize like a pig
Im not sure anymore tbh. I’ve run high test doses in the past with success, however I was overusing AIs so there were times where I’d hit a sweet spot and then feel crashed.

I really want to run high dose of test with minimal ai and hopefully I won’t experience any moon face as long as I keep diet dialed in. I’m not sure what to do so I would like to hear everyone else’s experience
you dont need to push the test
if your goal is to stay as dry as possible
as second compound use some primo or mast
at a ratio that works for you.(get bloods)
if you wanna push it more use hgh low-moderate dose
however none of this will work if diet is not on point.
Test and Mast.

Get bloodwork 4-5 weeks in and adjust AI as needed.
"Moonface" is going to have more to do with diet than with estrogen unless you aromatize like a pig
So even with a dose of say 600 test/600 mast as long as I am militant with my diet I can prevent the “moon face” look that people commonly associate with steroids? I want to cut but stay full and I usually feel good and have more energy with at least moderate dose of test when calories are lower.

I know I seem neurotic about this but I keep reading threads of guys who point towards test as the main cause of excess water retention. My career requires me to keep my face as lean as possible but I also want to have a physique that’s considered “fake natty” these days
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What are your stats and how’s your training & diet?

if you’re sub ~12% BF, mast would probably be a good addition. I’m going to go against the crowd and say Primo. Moon face is a side of estrogen & Primo acts as an AI. Mast acts more like a SERM.

Tren does a great job of slimming your face and pretty much does everything you’re looking for.

I say Test Tren & Anavar. That’ll get you diced asf. Or Test Primo & Var.
My last cycle I did test/primo at 500/500 and my face looked like I was 30 pounds heavier than I am. I dropped it to 250/400 to see if lower test would help, and it did slightly but it was still there. It wasn't until I dropped down to cruise that the puffiness went away. It could be like BigTomJ said and had something to do with diet; my appetite is barely controllable with higher test, but I am also sensitive as hell with estrogen. Even at 1:1 primo/test get high estrogen if I add HCG. I'm going to try sticking to TRT levels of test and go with Pinnacle Elements suggestion of test tren and Var. 50mg test twice weekly, 10mg Tren A and 40 mg ver per day. Will be my first round with tren so taking it low and slow to see how I react, but looking for the same goals as you.
My last cycle I did test/primo at 500/500 and my face looked like I was 30 pounds heavier than I am. I dropped it to 250/400 to see if lower test would help, and it did slightly but it was still there. It wasn't until I dropped down to cruise that the puffiness went away. It could be like BigTomJ said and had something to do with diet; my appetite is barely controllable with higher test, but I am also sensitive as hell with estrogen. Even at 1:1 primo/test get high estrogen if I add HCG. I'm going to try sticking to TRT levels of test and go with Pinnacle Elements suggestion of test tren and Var. 50mg test twice weekly, 10mg Tren A and 40 mg ver per day. Will be my first round with tren so taking it low and slow to see how I react, but looking for the same goals as you.
You say that your appetite is barely controllable on high test, perhaps it’s your diet which contributed to the bloat rather than directly from test itself?
My last cycle I did test/primo at 500/500 and my face looked like I was 30 pounds heavier than I am. I dropped it to 250/400 to see if lower test would help, and it did slightly but it was still there. It wasn't until I dropped down to cruise that the puffiness went away. It could be like BigTomJ said and had something to do with diet; my appetite is barely controllable with higher test, but I am also sensitive as hell with estrogen. Even at 1:1 primo/test get high estrogen if I add HCG. I'm going to try sticking to TRT levels of test and go with Pinnacle Elements suggestion of test tren and Var. 50mg test twice weekly, 10mg Tren A and 40 mg ver per day. Will be my first round with tren so taking it low and slow to see how I react, but looking for the same goals as you.
Did you take bloodwork? 250/400 tests/primo is nuts. My E2 was low on Test/Primo 1:1. That’s my cruise.
But do you think it was the diet that had more of an influence on your water retention rather than directly from test?
You’re responding to the wrong person. I’d be curious what his bloodwork was and the ester of test. If it’s test P or sus chance could be the test kicked in before the primo could saturate.

Some people I’ve heard primo just doesn’t do the AI thing. Not sure. But it does for me. ~1000ng/dl test gives ~16pg/dl E2
You’re responding to the wrong person. I’d be curious what his bloodwork was and the ester of test. If it’s test P or sus chance could be the test kicked in before the primo could saturate
Oh I see, my mistake. Yeah I am curious as well. Although test prop usually results in less water retention.
Put it this way, would you have a moon face running 500 test while on a Psmf diet?
Test alone? Maybe. I always use test and primo together so I don’t need an AI. I probably peaked when I was super serious in the gym and only on test: Primo 300:300 and 2iu HGH.

I was fucking shredded bro
@lukiss96 you mentioned that your face inevitably looks bigger on 4-600 test, but have you tried running such doses on a very strict caloric deficit?
Everyone is different bro. Some people get it some don’t.

I think more than likely you will experience E2 sides at 5-600mg test no AI. However those symptoms manifest in you is still genetic factors.
So what’s Dwayne Johnson or Mike o Hearn doing to get so jacked with no water retention at all? Is it possible to get jacked on trt high anabolic cycles?