Best pct?


New Member
Getting off a 16 week sust. 500 to 750ml per week. I have chlomid and nolva. Whats the best way of going about this. My last pin was about 7 days ago
I have it guys. Thats wht i mean. I read to start 31 days after last pin. Im just wondering the dose and if that is correct.
I have it guys. Thats wht i mean. I read to start 31 days after last pin. Im just wondering the dose and if that is correct.
Man, I don't like sus because it has that long ester it in. With enthanate you wait 21 days, so with that udeconate I'd say 28-31 days.
if sust i would wait 3-4ish weeks . i hate sust. unless its on sale super cheap i dont bother. enth or cyp for me, more simple and better gains IMO (the last ester is almost useless for our uses, but great for hrt IMO)

as for pct i would rec 4-5 weeks of: 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed.

also i would have used an AI during cycle but that ship has sailed .
Getting off a 16 week sust. 500 to 750ml per week. I have chlomid and nolva. Whats the best way of going about this. My last pin was about 7 days ago

You've cycled for some 16 weeks and are only now inquiring about how to run PCT.

Here let me give you an idea where you're headed, POST YOUR PRE-CYCLE LABS!
Look fellas. I have all my info. While a have a little time. Im making sure the info i have is correct. The info i have researched is 4 week pct. 100/100/50/50 of chlomid then 40/40/20/20 of nolvadex. I didnt just get all this shit and do it with no information. Im just double checking. So istead of some shit talk. How about some knowlage. Ive also read 50/50/50/50 chlomid then 20/20/20/20 of nolvadex Just needbto be clear on it all.
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if sust i would wait 3-4ish weeks . i hate sust. unless its on sale super cheap i dont bother. enth or cyp for me, more simple and better gains IMO (the last ester is almost useless for our uses, but great for hrt IMO)

as for pct i would rec 4-5 weeks of: 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed.

also i would have used an AI during cycle but that ship has sailed .
Do u mean arimidex?
Incidentally if you "had all the info" you wouldn't be here posting such rudimentary PRE-CYCLE question.

You can only KNOW if PCT was effective by performing post-PCT LAB tests!

ANYTHING else is a guessing game. The only other viable alternative is to ensure the duration of HTPA recovery, EQUALS or EXCEEDS the cycle length.

Incidentally I dont know what research youre referring to bc PCT has NOT been scientifically studied fella so the ONLY info you will find is one of CONFLICTING OPINIONS!

I'll assume you didnt perform pre-cycle labs!

Good luck
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Incidentally if you "had all the info" you wouldn't be here posting such rudimentary PRE-CYCLE question.

You can only KNOW if PCT was effective by performing post-PCT LAB tests!

ANYTHING else is a guessing game. The only other viable alternative is to ensure the duration of HTPA recovery, EQUALS or EXCEEDS the cycle length.

Incidentally I dont know what research youre referring to bc PCT has NOT been scientifically studied fella so the ONLY info you will find is one of CONFLICTING OPINIONS!

I'll assume you didnt perform pre-cycle labs!

Good luck
I agree man... pre bloods are a must ( IMO) so that 6-8 weeks after pct has finised ( min 4wks IMO) you can do bloods and see where you are at. if you have no bloods pre-cycle then how would you ever knwo where you stand? for all you know you had low T already as it i then freak out thinking pct didnt help, and we will never know....
my doc took my bloods before giving me deca years ago (car acccident, long story but it helped) and its great because i have a ref, though i am on hrt now so it doesnt really matter much now for ME but its still good to have man.