Best workout routine to make gains and keep them on a cycle


New Member
So, I started my Test cycle a week ago. I have been doing a modified layne norton workout for the past couple weeks:

Monday: Upper Power


-Barbell Bench Press
-Barbell Rows
-Military Press
-Barbell Shrugs

Tuesday: Lower Power + Hypertrophy Legs

- Squat 5x5
- Deadlift 5x5
- Standing Calf 5x12
- Leg Curls 3x12
- Leg Extensions 3x12

Wednesday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms

- DB Incline Bech 3x8-12
- BB Flat Bench 3x8-12
- Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super setted with
- Standing French Press 3x8-12
- Decline Bench
- Push Downs 3x8-12 super setted with
- DB Hammer Curls
- BB Curls super setted with
- DB Flyes
- Pushups 4x12

Thursday: Off

Friday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps

-DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Front Raise 3x8-12
-DB One Arm Row 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Arnold Press 3x8-12
-Lat Pull Down 3x8-12 super setted with
-DB Shrugs 3x10-15
-DB Upright Row 3x10-15 super setted with
-T-bar row 3x8-12

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

Is this a good workout to follow or should I change it? I work out 4 times a week 45-60 min each workout. I want a workout routine that I can follow through my cycle and PCT and will allow me to keep most of my gains post cycle. I didn't know if this workout would leave me with enough recover time, etc. any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Personally, I think Layne Norton is a dumbass. Completely skip the 5x5 stuff if your main goal is additional size. I would also recommend you make a 5 day split: chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms, rest, repeat. As for keeping your gains post cycle, that has more do to with calorie intake than anything else.
Ok, well, I hear conflicting things. Some say to do a 4-5 day split. others say do a power/hypertrophy split. I have been told to do heavy sets with low reps for size and keeping gains, especially during PCT. is this not true?
The best thing to do would be to try a couple workouts an see what your body responds to the best we all have different bodys so what works for me might not work for you.
Also what kind of body do you have? An Ecto, Meso or Endomorph?
Meathead is correct, 5 day split, then rest. Working out is only one part of the issue concerning your gains, I would only train 1 body part a day though. The other parts include, Diet, Nutrition, sleep, and rest. I train Sunday thru Thursday, then rest.

To keep it easy, your workouts should be 4 sets at 6-8reps, About 5 to 6 exercises for each body part, including chest, back, shoulders, and Legs. Arms I would only do 3 exercises, for these muscles are worked with other movements on other training days.

By going slow and doing more concentrated movements you require more muscle fibers to work, hence at the start you lift lighter, but after a few weeks you are bigger/stronger and move more weight. You also get much better pumps this way too.
so would something like this be better? 3x6-8 each set?


Incline DB
DB Flyes
Flat BB
Decline DB


Calf Raise
Hack Squat/Trap Bar


One Arm DB Row
Bent BB Rows
Lat Pulldown
T-Bar Row


Preacher Curls
Standing French Press
Push Downs
Hammer Curls
BB Curls
Close Grip Bench


Military Press
Seated DB Press
Arnold Press
Front Raise
Upright DB Rows


This might be a bit better


Incline DB
DB Flyes
Flat BB
Decline DB


Calf Raise
Hack Squat/Trap Bar


One Arm DB Row
Bent BB Rows
Lat Pulldown
T-Bar Row


Preacher Curls
Standing French Press
Push Downs
Hammer Curls
BB Curls
Close Grip Bench


Military Press
Seated DB Press
Front Raise
Upright DB Rows
Reverse DB flys


^ nice, I like the changes. so you think 3 sets per exercises with a rep range of 6-8 is a good idea or maybe bump them up?
The only body part I'd only do 3 sets for each exercise for your arms at 6-8 reps.

Everything else should be 4 sets at 6-8 reps, just go a little slower and more concentrated, its not a race to see how fast the weight will move.

Also for push-ups try doing them on the ball. Your gym should have those hard rubber weighted medicine balls. I'd grab 2 the same size and weight, oreintate them shoulder width apart, and perform the motion as normal.

If you have any questions just let me know.
ok. yeah, I usually go do try to keep it slow and controlled whenever possible. I workout at home, I have an iron gym bar that I usually put on the ground for push-ups. I usually do 4-5 sets of 12.
its the quality of your workout that will yield your results, not "which one" your doing......

for example, I do push pull

mon - chest/tris
tues - back/bi's
wed - shoulders/traps
thrs - legs
fri - off
sat - whatever i feel i didnt hit hard enuf
sun - off

warm up, hit the muscle hard, go home.

I work in triples..for example, bench 2 to 3 warm up sets
- 135 x 12, slow and concentrated
- 225 x 12, same
- 255 x 12, same
- 315 x 3, lower weight slow, and blast it up
- 405 x 3, same
- 455 x 3, same
Honestly not a good question to ask for someone about to do steroids.....kind of like asking how to drive a Nascar, car, right before the Daytona 500......groundwork should have been made and done before using steroids....just my opinion:cool:
Honestly not a good question to ask for someone about to do steroids.....kind of like asking how to drive a Nascar, car, right before the Daytona 500......groundwork should have been made and done before using steroids....just my opinion:cool:

I have made gains naturally through several different routines, but I have never done a cycle and was looking for a routine I could transition from cycle to PCT easily without overtraining or losing gains. This is my first cycle, so I wanted to get the most bang for my buck.
Well all the same principles apply on steroids as just will be able to recover faster and do more volume training. This is the easiest answer you'll find.
also in regards to the ... how many sets/reps thing ... i personally do more sets on power exercises ... Tbars ... deadlifts ... bench press etc. i decrease the number of sets and increase the number of reps for shaping exercises such as flies and do them at the end of a workout ... i also do my core exercises at the beginning of a workout ... i.e. start with the flat bench/incline bench first ... before flies ... start with barbell exercises before dumbells ... just my opinion