I was just about to pm you
I bet my ex wife could make you cry.
Lmao! I'm assuming that's why she's the "ex" wife?
I was just saying there are so many posts and we all just say stuff not even meaning anything by it, but it could be taken as a shot to some of our oversized egos from time to time.
I know mine was too big when I got here and the amount of knowledge on this board humbled me a little.
That's a good thing! But I can also say that the only person that has really pissed me off since I've been here was a new guy. Someone who joined 2 weeks before and was calling me a dick rider for MW. Not knowing I had been burned by MS and spetz already and I was just praying I didn't get burned again!
Matter of fact it was Brutus who was the first one that told me don't worry about that shit and just lay low til all the info comes out. He wasn't throwing shots at me like the new guy was he was just giving me good advice. So yeah I do have respect for those guys and I don't care if they get all the free gear in the world! Doesn't matter to me.
If a source wants to burn u they will! Wether they got a review from someone or not.
So if u feel like there is a clique then just keep it to yourself and read and educate yourself to find out what you're looking for. I came here expecting to get sources right off the bat and looking back it was pure ignorance on my part.
Why the fuck should anyone give me anything if I haven't contributed anything? it's pretty clear once you've been here a while that you get out of this board what u put into it. Just like life in general.
Sorry for the soap box today I think I must have forgotten to take my AI this week. What were we talking about again? Jesus! I need a nap. Lol