BF % help


I recently had my BF measured with the caliper method at my local gym. The results were 18.6% BF. This blows my mind because months ago before I started on a caloric deficit and body recomp blast my BF was said to be lower around 13%. The mirror doesn’t lie and I’m definitely leaner now. Also if anyone knows of a more accurate way to measure BF % post it in the comments. I’ve read the the caliper method can be inaccurate. Im posting a couple pics below let me know what my BF is looking like. There’s no way I’m 18% right now after being on a 300-400 calorie deficit for over a month. Thanks btw I’m 5’8 and 172 pounds


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18 is too high, you're probably around 13% if I were to guess. Abs wouldn't look like that at 18%
Search Google maps for DEXA body composition scans. Or just search DEXA or DXA and then call to ask if they offer the body composition results with fat mass and lean mass, or if they only offer the dedicated bone density scan (which is more common but not what you want). Depending on where you live, it will be $50-$150 and you'll know for sure.
Search Google maps for DEXA body composition scans. Or just search DEXA or DXA and then call to ask if they offer the body composition results with fat mass and lean mass, or if they only offer the dedicated bone density scan (which is more common but not what you want). Depending on where you live, it will be $50-$150 and you'll know for sure.
Thanks man
Thanks man
I hope you find a place near you. I have to drive 2.5 hrs. I should have also mentioned that they give you detailed info about your fat and muscle distribution by limb and trunk, as in fat percentages and pounds of muscle, and also some bone density info even with the body composition scan. You can see if you have more muscle in one leg/arm vs the other. Visceral fat is measured also, and they tell you how you compare to the general population. Very cool.
I've had back to back caliper tests performed by different people that were 5% off from each other. It's so subjective on how they pinch the skin and how they use the calipers. I feel like it really takes someone experienced to get an accurate reading with that method. I would say youre absolutely closer to 13 than 18, although I don't have laser eyes. I'm aroud 17 right now and you look quite a bit leaner than I do. As others have said, the DEXA scans seem to be pretty accurate as long as long as you're not at competition BF levels.
I was gonna say 12-15% probably closer to 12 based on all the visual cues I've seen in the past. 15 is kind of where you can see the outline of your abs without details. 10 is where you can see all abs clearly. Below 10 and you start to get than thin look to your skin where veins are much more pronounced.

I've done a bunch of inbody scans, and I use calipers and tape measurements as well as visual cues to gauge progress. But it's all relative. I don't think any of those are 100% accurate. Maybe dexa is the closest?
I recently had my BF measured with the caliper method at my local gym. The results were 18.6% BF. This blows my mind because months ago before I started on a caloric deficit and body recomp blast my BF was said to be lower around 13%. The mirror doesn’t lie and I’m definitely leaner now. Also if anyone knows of a more accurate way to measure BF % post it in the comments. I’ve read the the caliper method can be inaccurate. Im posting a couple pics below let me know what my BF is looking like. There’s no way I’m 18% right now after being on a 300-400 calorie deficit for over a month. Thanks btw I’m 5’8 and 172 pounds
Whoever was measuring you didn't know what they were doing, didn't read the calipers correctly, or calculated wrong.
I've had back to back caliper tests performed by different people that were 5% off from each other. It's so subjective on how they pinch the skin and how they use the calipers. I feel like it really takes someone experienced to get an accurate reading with that method. I would say youre absolutely closer to 13 than 18, although I don't have laser eyes. I'm aroud 17 right now and you look quite a bit leaner than I do. As others have said, the DEXA scans seem to be pretty accurate as long as long as you're not at competition BF levels.
Yea I can see that. When dude was doing the test with the calipers I swear he was grabbing some muscle along with fat in some spots. Good to know though.
You look awesome brother, even if the say you're 30 it wouldn't matter would it if you're happy with how you look. Unless there is a contest for whose got the lowest bf or you need to measure your progress to the last digit, there is no point for these bf calculations in my opinion.

Like what they say, lean is lean regardless of what the test say.
no but all joking aside without a back shot and lower half of the body there is no way to tell... your front looks around 12-14
some people hold allot of back fat, some leg and ass, some abdomen etc etc you could be 12 front and 16 back no problem...
Spare tire: yes or no

Visible abs: yes or no. How many?

Striated muscles?

Ab veins?

Who cares about the BF% number that is measured about this
Spare tire: yes or no

Visible abs: yes or no. How many?

Striated muscles?

Ab veins?

Who cares about the BF% number that is measured about this
4-6 visible abs depending on the lighting, veins as well. I notice for me I hold more fat on my arms. My arms look bigger because of it and there’s some separation. Better than average. Not as much as I’d like though. Honestly fuck the test. I look good in front of the mirror and that’s cool with me. I don’t compete. I might do a competition one day just for the stage photos and to say I did it but I will never compete or get paid for my physique so it’s all good.
I wish there was a way to target fat that’s in certain areas (arms,back) but being on a deficit for a long enough period of time will shed the fat from those areas. I have good a development and genetics. Always have. I just want to shed the stubborn fat from other areas.