Big Bear Labs U.S. Domestic

Just take the time to read and research as much as you can. Like you said, we don't really know who's on the other end supplying these products. You'll also start to recognize the members that might not post a Lot but when they do, its worth paying attention to. You'll also recognize the members that post a Lot to keep these new sources in check. Be safe and I hope you're satisfied with whatever product or source you decide on.!!!

Ya thanks man, I just no I've been dogged out on forums over the absolutely stupidest assumptions so I figured I'd give the kid a little benefit of the doubt even though its probably the worst lab set up I'veever even heard of. since it was labeled pharma clen I figured it couldn't be that fucked up and was figuring he was just reselling it. I usually grab all my stuff from another forum but alot of the sources to really stock any clen so I remembered I was a member here and got on real quick omw to work to check some out thanks again though
Express is international though, I didnt even think to check their sight though, i haven't been on it in awhile thanks though. I'll actually probably end up going with them instead just cause I've used them without a problem before thanks!
Express is international though, I didnt even think to check their sight though, i haven't been on it in awhile thanks though. I'll actually probably end up going with them instead just cause I've used them without a problem before thanks!
I thought Express was domestic
I’m so excited