Bill Roberts PCT?

Hey sorry if I wasn't clear earlier, but one post becomes another and evolves into something else which morphs into an alternative meaning and thereafter is converted, contorted and convoluted to such an extent I even forget WTF I was commenting on :)

Lol...roger that! :)
Hey NN for the sake of completeness, I suppose I should also mention using HCG in the pre-PCT interval can complicate HTPA recovery bc E-2 is almost guaranteed to increase. Obviously this is anything but ideal for even a PCT precursor.

Fact is I can't count the number of folk, all much less experienced than yourself and other Meso vets, who have complicated their PCT bc of HCG use, not understanding the who, what when, and where aspects of this drug.
I completely agree with you, Jim. For me, this is one of the contributing factors in choosing to use hCG on-cycle where an AI is typically included to manage estrogen. I also feel it assists with HPTA restart due to the fact that testies are not completely shut down (in males who respond positively to hCG therapy) and the transition between on-cycle and PCT becomes somewhat seamless if hCG is used up until a few days before PCT begins. Having said that I have no clinical based data to back this up, rather im relying on personal experience and seemingly endless empirical data suggesting the same.
Stick around and learn mate! Meso has MANY members who contribute in their own way, some bc of their experience, education, profession, and some are even willing to share their PED ERRORS.

It's unfortunate some discount this notion, but the latter is much easier to accomplish than achieving optimal benefit from either AAS or PEDs!
thanks again dr.jim. I do plan on sticking around. I take all the info I can from the pros!
Hey NN for the sake of completeness, I suppose I should also mention using HCG in the pre-PCT interval can complicate HTPA recovery bc E-2 is almost guaranteed to increase. Obviously this is anything but ideal for even a PCT precursor.

Fact is I can't count the number of folk, all much less experienced than yourself and other Meso vets, who have complicated their PCT bc of HCG use, not understanding the who, what when, and where aspects of this drug.
I learned to continue taking an AI (albeit at a smaller dose/frequency) while using HCG during that period between last pin and start of PCT. Seemed to work for me, anyway.

I do intend to use clomid at 25 and Nolva at 10 ED for four weeks during PCT.

PCT, specifically the emotional sides, scare me very excessively! I have spent a year reading PCT nightmare stories.

Let's see your cycling TT at 400mg weekly (a dose that approximates TWICE that for those on TRT!) yet still believe it necessary to use TWO SERMS and risk those adverse effects that "scare me very excessively"!

How ironic this reminds me of some patients who come to the ED bc they "need some antibiotics" for what is clearly a viral mediated URI.

In instances of this nature I insist residents spend time with their patients in an effort to educate them about bacterial resistance in part bc of antibiotic overuse, ways to differentiate viral from bacterial infections and other therapies for viral infections.

And you know it's discouraging to see some of these future docs giving it their best shot, yet in spite of this THIRTY MINUTE DISCUSSION the patient being as dense as an immobile rock states; "ok doc how about a shot of penicillin instead"!

Understanding patient satisfaction Press-Ganey scores have become the administrative focal point of any successful physician the resident usually responds, "sure" or "absolutely"!

So OP I will modify my initial
response to one that is more to your liking, yes you "absolutely need" two SERMS, LOL!
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