Blast and Cruise Critique


New Member
Hello, this is my first post on the forum, but i've been lurking around for quite a while.
I'm currently 28 years old with 84kg and around 11~13% bodyfat.
I got currently two cycles under my belt, being the first one Test E 500mg/w and my second Test e 500mg/wk with tren A 300 mg/wk.

I will be competing on september next year, i've weighted the pros and cons of a B&C and decided to do it for 8 months starting january 1st and finishing around september 14.
My plan goes like this.

1st Blast (1-8) 8 weeks
1-10 Test e 50mg Wk
3-8 Winny 50mg ED
3-8 Tren Ace 100mg eod

1st Cruise (9-14)
9-14 Test e 250mg wk

2nd Blast (15-22)
15-22 Test e 250mg wk
15-22 Test cyp 300mg wk ( not sure if double test e again or use two diferent esters same time)
15-22 EQ 400mg wk
15-22 Insulin Humalog 5IU post workout( with 30g dextrone right after the shot)

2nd Cruise (23-28)
23-28 Test e 250mg wk

3rd and last Blast Close to competition( 29 - 36)
29-36 Test E 250mg week
32-36 test prop 300mg wK split 3 shots
32-36 tren ace 300mg wK togeter with prop
32-36 winny ED 50mg
29-36 Clenbuterol standard protocol
not sure if i add mast and/or t3 on this stage as well

throught the whole b&ci will be doing 2x 250iu hcg weekly untill last shot of test e
Adex 0.5 EOD

after this stage will try recover with agressive PCT and be off gear for a year
Keep the adex untill week 38
week 38 single shot of Triptoline 50mcg ( if it doesnt go well i can do another 500mcg instead of a single 100mcg)
next day after tript
Clomid 100/100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5 ED

and keep some viagra just in the case in this process.

Any critique would be appreciated both at B&C as well as the recovery process.

Thank you everyone
on your second blast running eq at 400 mg for seven weeks is not long enough to see any results from it . insulin is also a waste unless you add some heavy pharma hgh.
on your second blast running eq at 400 mg for seven weeks is not long enough to see any results from it . insulin is also a waste unless you add some heavy pharma hgh.
Thank you for your sugestion, my second blast is indeed the one that o have most doubts with, the EQ was just to give a longer break from deca/tren as they are really harsh. Maybe swap it with anadrol or t-bol
Blasting and cruising is for guys on trt or guys who want to be on trt. Running an 8-9 month cycle is really aggressive and will be more difficult to recover from. You have enough time two run two cycles. With a pct and recovery between. Week 1-10 running 50mg test e a week is a typo I am assuming you mean 500mg. There is no reason to run test e and test c together. You could switch test e for prop since you are running tren a with winny weeks 1-8. Weeks 10-14 or pct then weeks 29-36 repeat 1-8. And blood work?
Deca very harsh? Have you ever cycled deca? Because deca is one of the mildest compound around.
You could do 1gr of it and not have big problem.
It almost doesn't even skew my bloods when on just deca and test.

Tren on the other hand...

Thank you for your sugestion, my second blast is indeed the one that o have most doubts with, the EQ was just to give a longer break from deca/tren as they are really harsh. Maybe swap it with anadrol or t-bol
3-8 Winny 50mg ED
I would reserve this compound for several weeks before the stage. You
1st Blast (1-8) 8 weeks
1-10 Test e 50mg Wk
3-8 Winny 50mg ED
3-8 Tren Ace 100mg eod
The only thing you will do with this is cut. Don't expect much in the way of gains more than 5-10 lbs. I have known more than a few guys who have sustained serious injuries with a cycle like this.

If you have 8 months, this cycle is completely unnecessary.

Deca very harsh?
Our new friend needs some education. :)
1st Cruise (9-14)
9-14 Test e 250mg wk
Your cruise looks good, Just understand that what you are showing us will be harder to recover from. I hope it is worth it to you.

Where is your HCG?
Coming off after that long it will be hella hard to keep your gains man. I'd run a few short ester cycles and pct after each one... Imo you will yield the same results and keep more of what you gained. Good luck!
Coming off after that long it will be hella hard to keep your gains man. I'd run a few short ester cycles and pct after each one... Imo you will yield the same results and keep more of what you gained. Good luck!
That could be also a option and use only faster esters and recovery would be way easier, the thing is that the test e I got is pharmacy grade. Gotta look for a good prop source.

Thank you for the suggestion
I would save the test enth for future and just run a prop npp or prop tren cycle... then pct....then another short cycle and finish it with the winny and clen or whatever u wanna do. There is a ton of good prop sources bro look around in the underground section! Make sure your AI is pharm grade as well as your pct shit. I would look into @pharmacist