Blind testing of QSC tirzepatide (promo), test e, p

Pretty good results... 96% on test e isn't amazing but it's really not bad at all IMHO. 5% overdose if you didn't have these test results and your covered..
Thankyou for testing those compounds..
y'all. this guy just spent over $500USD!! I feel like a total slacker when I see the few Members here always posting testing results. @Spaceman Spiff thanks for the contribution, and don't think it's unappreciated by the community. I'm inspired to follow suit! I hope some other members are too!
Pretty good results... 96% on test e isn't amazing but it's really not bad at all IMHO. 5% overdose if you didn't have these test results and your covered..
Thankyou for testing those compounds..
I still think everyone should test the powder and not assume what they say it is . Don't rely off of my tests or the manufacturer tests did your own product.

QSC hasn't steered me wrong yet and I have tests to confirm it
y'all. this guy just spent over $500USD!! I feel like a total slacker when I see the few Members here always posting testing results. @Spaceman Spiff thanks for the contribution, and don't think it's unappreciated by the community. I'm inspired to follow suit! I hope some other members are too!
If youre home brewing, testing is all the more important.

Its literally impossible to dose your brews accurately without testing you can trust.
bonus if youre confident in your recipes, its lessens the need to test your finished product if its just for personal use.

so if youre going to test anything with homebrewing, it should be at least your raws since you get more value from testing raws then just confirmation that you got what you paid for
If youre home brewing, testing is all the more important.

Its literally impossible to dose your brews accurately without testing you can trust.
bonus if youre confident in your recipes, its lessens the need to test your finished product if its just for personal use.

so if youre going to test anything with homebrewing, it should be at least your raws since you get more value from testing raws then just confirmation that you got what you paid for
The only thing I did blindly recently was bold U.
I tested finished product .

Targeted 500. It tested finished at 504. That was a gamble though.

I don't have anymore raws of it. Too
Much appreciated as usual Space! Never really had any issues with QSC but their testing the last 6-9 months has been exceptionally good. Just sent in my next two samples to Jano which were orals but next go round I’ll be sending in at least one of my QSC finished oils again.
I'll try. Been a wimp to.
Reason I asked, apart from the obvious, was I was wondering if (assuming it’s PIP free to begin with) you’d be interested in carrying out a little experiment - putting a vial aside & testing it for PIP every few weeks to see if there’s any change.

For the reasoning behind this, see Liska’s posts on Test E & PIP developing over time in his thread around here:

Cat Café EU & US domestic

Just thought it’d be probably of interest to homebrewers that buy & brew more than a few grams at a time.

No worries if you’re not planning on brewing enough at once to put a vial or two aside, or simply can’t be arsed for whatever reason - they’re your raws after all, not mine!
Reason I asked, apart from the obvious, was I was wondering if (assuming it’s PIP free to begin with) you’d be interested in carrying out a little experiment - putting a vial aside & testing it for PIP every few weeks to see if there’s any change.

For the reasoning behind this, see Liska’s posts on Test E & PIP developing over time in his thread around here:

Cat Café EU & US domestic

Just thought it’d be probably of interest to homebrewers that buy & brew more than a few grams at a time.

No worries if you’re not planning on brewing enough at once to put a vial or two aside, or simply can’t be arsed for whatever reason - they’re your raws after all, not mine!
Id rather not even inject it as it causes pip for 6 days for me

The only test e I have injected that hasn't caused pip was @Stanfordpharma1 test e.

I got it by accident cause I didn't specify which test I wanted. Just a mild sting but nothing to worry about.
Maybe I'll brew it and try it on my cruise? We shall see
Reason I asked, apart from the obvious, was I was wondering if (assuming it’s PIP free to begin with) you’d be interested in carrying out a little experiment - putting a vial aside & testing it for PIP every few weeks to see if there’s any change.

For the reasoning behind this, see Liska’s posts on Test E & PIP developing over time in his thread around here:

Cat Café EU & US domestic

Just thought it’d be probably of interest to homebrewers that buy & brew more than a few grams at a time.

No worries if you’re not planning on brewing enough at once to put a vial or two aside, or simply can’t be arsed for whatever reason - they’re your raws after all, not mine!

Fwiw all of my test E gets worse pip as it ages.
Id rather not even inject it as it causes pip for 6 days for me
I get that with pharma sustanon, but that’s quite likely down to the 10% BA content. Yup, that’s not a typo. Google Asspen’s PIL / data sheet - 100mg BA per 1ml.

The TP & TPP probably don’t help either.

Mix it 50/50 with 250mg pharma Test E though & it’s smooth & painless for the vast majority. Mentioning this as I saw you & others discussing BA contents & there was a concensus that 5% causes PIP, which I’m obviously not so sure about.

Not that there’s any reason I can see to use 5% anyway … but I’m a pedantic twat sometimes. Plus illustrates that Test E isn’t intrinsically a bitch for PIP, it’s something caused by some (unknown) change in China’s manufacturing process for it from circa 2010 ish onwards, when Test E PIP first appeared.

As for test runs on your Test E - do please let us know if you go ahead. If not … no worries mate.

Oh & thanks for testing!
I get that with pharma sustanon, but that’s quite likely down to the 10% BA content. Yup, that’s not a typo. Google Asspen’s PIL / data sheet - 100mg BA per 1ml.

Definitely to each their own. That's my preferred test. Zero pip. BA doesn't affect me negatively.
The only thing I did blindly recently was bold U.
I tested finished product .

Targeted 500. It tested finished at 504. That was a gamble though.

I don't have anymore raws of it. Too
I see you do so much testing and I thank you!
It seems to get done pretty quick by you.

I am wanting to get some done this week, how long does it take from sending off to samples to get results?

I will be sending from USA.

I see you do so much testing and I thank you!
It seems to get done pretty quick by you.

I am wanting to get some done this week, how long does it take from sending off to samples to get results?

I will be sending from USA.

Let's say about a week after receiving shipment to jano.
Contact his staff and use pirateship to send it