Cat Café EU & US domestic

Got some Trestolone Enanthate on the way which I cannot wait to start. What is the recommended dosage per week for this? Trest A varies from 10-50mg a day, I’m currently doing 12.5mg a day but will switch to the Enanthate version when it lands.

Running with 200 test and 300 mast.
Got some Trestolone Enanthate on the way which I cannot wait to start. What is the recommended dosage per week for this? Trest A varies from 10-50mg a day, I’m currently doing 12.5mg a day but will switch to the Enanthate version when it lands.

Running with 200 test and 300 mast.
30mg of Trest-E on a Mon-Wed-Fri was about the same, if not a little bit less, than 10mg of the Trest-A every day, for me.
Hi Liska!

Test E MCT is currently out of stock? Will it come back though? - asking as I also don't see it on the coming soon page.

Thanks :)
What are your guys experience with trestelone, does it really build a fuck ton of muscle quick? I want to try it but am not sure mainly for fertility reasons.
If I were to try it I would probably do something like 200 mgs test e, 60mgs trest e and 100mgs anadrol daily (anadrol for the extra strength and it doesn’t bind to the androgen receptor anyways)
Hi Liska!

Test E MCT is currently out of stock? Will it come back though? - asking as I also don't see it on the coming soon page.

Thanks :)
I pulled it from the website because I have now received two reports about PIP from Test E 250mg in MCT (and two about the GSO version) and want to investigate if this can potentially be the infamous Test E problem, as everyone else has either reported not suffering any PIP or just not given me any feedback, which usually means they're fine. I have a few ideas on what to test for, though access to these testing methods might be outside of Janoshik's realm.

I have a few ideas to sidestep this potential issue entirely including just mixing Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate at a 150/100mg ratio or comparable esters for a total of 250mg which would likely result in a better product, but the vast majority of customers want to buy a product called Testosterone Enanthate only and nothing else by any other name, so I'm also looking at sourcing USP TE raws from outside of China no matter the cost until I am 100% certain to have identified and resolved this problem.

I wish everyone would compare ester half-lives and consider purchasing Test Cypionate, Sustanon or the Test E/C mix for now (or tell me why you want TE over these specifically, perhaps I'm missing something).

As for questions regarding the availability of other products, I'm not overlooking them, I'm ignoring them because there are variables that are unpredictable and can affect a product release right until the very end. I'll keep the website and this thread updated on a daily basis, so if you check either, you're not missing information available only to my loyal OnlyFans subscribers.
Thanks for the explanation, hope you can sort it out.
Yeah, I'll definitely think about an order of your C or E/C blend instead.
I think you’re confusing yourself. There was a comma before the bank transfer information. Therefore, you only need to add the 10% surcharge on bank transfers only. Since bitcoin is the preferred method of payment you only have to pay for what the products cost, no addition.
Thanks for the reply, but since bitcoin value has very variable value, if i buy 500€ in bitcoin and send to her in hours, the value can become like 480€.. if you have a link that explain how to do it would very helpful
Thanks for the reply, but since bitcoin value has very variable value, if i buy 500€ in bitcoin and send to her in hours, the value can become like 480€.. if you have a link that explain how to do it would very helpful
If you can buy USDT ERC-20 or USDC ERC-20 stablecoins via your exchange, you won't have to deal with fluctuations nor high transfer fees.

How is this protocol working out for you? I am curious personally.



the protocols should be about the same result but they end up being a bit different. the ace has a bigger affect on my BP and brings about more "drive", mentally. the enanthate just sits in the background and makes me heavy AF. the estrogenic burden feels worse on E but you can dial in the counter regulatory compounds easier and stay there. with the acetate version, if estrogenic burden starts to creep up, i can just skip a few doses and drop the mg's down for a week and then up them again. ends up like a wavy pattern across the course but even 5mg/day is still pretty useful. using AI's, SERMs with the Ace version feels like you're currently slamming into crushed estrogen to high estrogen.
Thanks for the explanation, hope you can sort it out.
Yeah, I'll definitely think about an order of your C or E/C blend instead.

Liska's test cyp has always been great for me. About to start the test e/c 400 so I'll update you with any feedback.

I've never actually used the test e ester before. Don't see the point when I've never had issues with cyp.
Gso test e is smooth ,nearly pip free.
After my 2 vials test e I have to use also the gso cyp. A change is not a problem ,I don’t care if it is e ,c or susta. It’s only about the time a long ester needs to start kicking. So I’ll inject with the last vial test e a min amount of cyp to avoid this time.
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