Blood Results from EQ and TC cycle


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Hi, folks.
I wasn't able to draw bloods at 48 hours, it was an abnormally long time at 90 hours post pin (wouldn't normally even be that long between pins, but... Circumstances beyond my control).

Weeks 1-3 300mg EQ E3D and 300mg TestC E3D
Weeks 4-6 500mg EQ E3D and 500mg TestC E3D.

These were from some raws I brewed up myself...

Here's my basic test natty
And here's the advanced test from 6 weeks into the cycle as described above.
I welcome all comments and feedback.

My initial takeaways are the cycle seems to have worked well on my test and free test levels... Almost x10 of natty.
And perhaps I need to get a pint of blood out?
Looks like a whole fuck load of bioavailable test!

I've had no spots, no hair loss (taking finasteride, though), no noticeable sides.
I've been taking arimidex "as I feel like it" but between half EOD and a full one a day.
The only thing that stands out to me is your platelet count, that is really low.
I would not give blood, your RBC's are just a little high.
I'd google the platelet thing and see what kind of connection you can make to your steroids, if any.
I dont know how dangerous it is,or what it really means to have it that low. not something to ignore.
It does seem really fucking low... If anything, my blood clots really easily, though.

That's where I shall focus my research, though. Thank you.
What was your pre-cycle platelets?

Everything else looks good as far what you are looking for with your cycle.

Are you taking any orals? Diuretics or any other medications?

Hi, @mands, thanks for the response.
Unfortunately, I don't know my platelets from before - the initial bloods I got were very simple. Sadly.

I'm not on any meds - I've taken small amounts of some recreational drugs in the last month... But nothing serious.

I have felt like I have a virus for a while... I should probably go to the doctor.

Best wait til off cycle, though.

Symptoms wise I am fatigued and sweaty. Otherwise, well.
Hi, @mands, thanks for the response.
Unfortunately, I don't know my platelets from before - the initial bloods I got were very simple. Sadly.

I'm not on any meds - I've taken small amounts of some recreational drugs in the last month... But nothing serious.

I have felt like I have a virus for a while... I should probably go to the doctor.

Best wait til off cycle, though.

Symptoms wise I am fatigued and sweaty. Otherwise, well.
I would definitely see about the virus. What did your doc say about the low platelets?

It'll be about 3 weeks before I can get an appointment yet.
The clinic doctor said to check again in a few weeks.... Which I will be, of course.