Blood test results


New Member
Morning all. Just had my blood test results back from the doctors and could do with a bit of advice. My liver and blood sugar results were fine . My serum testosterone level was 13.2 which my doctors said was in normal parameters but they didn’t test my free testosterone and the scale they use is 8.5 -29.0 so I would consider that quite low but I am 42 so who knows. My total cholesterol was 5.5 (HDL 1.5 and none HDL 4.0) and unfortunately they didn’t test for e2 or any other hormones so im going to send off for a online blood test to get those levels checked properly. In your opinion though is that level of test low?
Your in the same boat as me brother, low normal. Actually I came in a lot lower but still “normal” in their eyes. Best of luck, if your in the US you will have an easier time getting this worked out, Canada where I am from good luck.

I got put on HCG and Raloxifene from a Naturapath. Cost got to be too much as nothing was covered under insurance. Bought some test c and ai, ran a blast and dropped to a cruise dose, essentially self prescribed try.

I think the standard to get is Total, Free, Bioavailabile, E2, SHBG as far as hormones go. Also lipids, RBC, Hematocrit, PSA. Others will chime in as well
Your in the same boat as me brother, low normal. Actually I came in a lot lower but still “normal” in their eyes. Best of luck, if your in the US you will have an easier time getting this worked out, Canada where I am from good luck.

I got put on HCG and Raloxifene from a Naturapath. Cost got to be too much as nothing was covered under insurance. Bought some test c and ai, ran a blast and dropped to a cruise dose, essentially self prescribed try.

I think the standard to get is Total, Free, Bioavailabile, E2, SHBG as far as hormones go. Also lipids, RBC, Hematocrit, PSA. Others will chime in as well
Thanks, I’ve just sent off for a testing kit from a private clinic in London and it cost £62 and they test for:
  • Total Testosterone
  • Free Testosterone
  • Oestradiol
  • SHBG
  • Prolactin
  • Albumin
  • FSH
  • LH
  • TSH
  • Free T4
  • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
They can then prescribe you either sustanon, test enanthate , nebido or testogel/androgel for around £100 per month.
I’ll take anything at the minute if it can get me feeling normal again. I haven’t had a decent nights sleep in about ten years and will sometimes feel like crying over nothing at all. No energy until about 16:00 o’clock , on medication for anxiety and depression for 10 years as well and it doesn’t do a thing.
Thanks, I’ve just sent off for a testing kit from a private clinic in London and it cost £62 and they test for:
  • Total Testosterone
  • Free Testosterone
  • Oestradiol
  • SHBG
  • Prolactin
  • Albumin
  • FSH
  • LH
  • TSH
  • Free T4
  • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
They can then prescribe you either sustanon, test enanthate , nebido or testogel/androgel for around £100 per month.
I’ll take anything at the minute if it can get me feeling normal again. I haven’t had a decent nights sleep in about ten years and will sometimes feel like crying over nothing at all. No energy until about 16:00 o’clock , on medication for anxiety and depression for 10 years as well and it doesn’t do a thing.
Looks like a good test, I missed stating LH and FSH, glad it’s on your list. I have a buddy on Androgel and it barely raised his levels. I would stick with pinning it if they give you the choice, test e would be my choice from that list. If not included in that price factor in pins, alcohol swabs, etc, won’t be much but still a cost.

They mention additional bloods to monitor? AI if needed?

I am running test c at 50-70 for 10 weeks on cruise in canadian dollars just for reference.
Looks like a good test, I missed stating LH and FSH, glad it’s on your list. I have a buddy on Androgel and it barely raised his levels. I would stick with pinning it if they give you the choice, test e would be my choice from that list. If not included in that price factor in pins, alcohol swabs, etc, won’t be much but still a cost.

They mention additional bloods to monitor? AI if needed?

I am running test c at 50-70 for 10 weeks on cruise in canadian dollars just for reference.
Yeah they have mentioned extra cost for additional medicines to go with the sustanon or test e, and you have to pay them for regular blood tests as well so it seems like it’s going to be very expensive but I would honestly pay triple the price if it made me feel good again
Yeah they have mentioned extra cost for additional medicines to go with the sustanon or test e, and you have to pay them for regular blood tests as well so it seems like it’s going to be very expensive but I would honestly pay triple the price if it made me feel good again

I hear you there, it is worth every cent in my opinion as well. You get a lot of benefits getting pharma as well. I wish I had that option, but ugl to this point has done me ok.
I hear you there, it is worth every cent in my opinion as well. You get a lot of benefits getting pharma as well. I wish I had that option, but ugl to this point has done me ok.
Are the companies that sponsor this site ugl’s? I don’t know if I’m allowed to mention there names on here but I’m talking about the advertisements at the bottom of the site as I scroll down on my phone
Are the companies that sponsor this site ugl’s? I don’t know if I’m allowed to mention there names on here but I’m talking about the advertisements at the bottom of the site as I scroll down on my phone

They are ugls, I can’t comment on them as I have not used them nor researched them. If your looking for ugl, you will need to review the underground section and find one in your area. Then read through the entire thread, see how the act and treat their client base, respond to issues, client review, blood and raws testing, client security, cost, etc. Even after all this it is still up to you if you are comfortable with them. A ugl is only as good as their last batch.
They are ugls, I can’t comment on them as I have not used them nor researched them. If your looking for ugl, you will need to review the underground section and find one in your area. Then read through the entire thread, see how the act and treat their client base, respond to issues, client review, blood and raws testing, client security, cost, etc. Even after all this it is still up to you if you are comfortable with them. A ugl is only as good as their last batch.
Thanks again, it’s probably worth the extra money to use the clinic in London. You’ve been a great help, have a good day/evening depending on the time difference. I’m off to work shoulders now because low testosterone or not, I’m still gonna lift!!!!

Au revoir
Thanks again, it’s probably worth the extra money to use the clinic in London. You’ve been a great help, have a good day/evening depending on the time difference. I’m off to work shoulders now because low testosterone or not, I’m still gonna lift!!!!

Au revoir
You bet, if you can afford to run Pharma it is by far the best choice. Best of luck brother.