[Blood Work 12/9/14] [Private Lab] [Test C 250/Serostim]


Well-known Member
I'm posting this to add to the data, the test is from a private lab on another board that I can't even order from directly so please don't ask!!

Blood draw was 48hrs after pin, 300mg/week split into 2 150mg shots.. TT 2390 so 7.97x dose..

It's a false e2 reading due to tren, I really need to remember to use labsmd instead of privatemdlabs while I'm on tren which is pretty much every cycle..


As far as IGF-1, I've been running 4iu Serostim ED for 2.5 months.. I've heard you should expect 100 points on the test for every iu ran daily.. If anyone thinks 379 is not a good score let me know as I'm new to IGF-1 testing!! Thanks..
Johnny hows the Seros treating your physique? Is this your first run with it? Did it come from same source as gear? Thanks

No different guy.. First real sero run, I'm on cycle so it's hard to tell what's doing what but I feel great.. I ran generics for 6 months over a year ago, sides were awful and couldn't really see the results until I came off and the bloat went away.
Thanks Johnny good to see that there is good gear out there...somewhere, over the rainbow...well might as well be to most at this point lol...
What does Tren have to do with estradiol readings ? I see sky high E-2 ....

The method Labcorp uses to test e2 picks up tren as e2 for some reason.. Labsmd uses a different method that doesn't.

There's a good write up on it on eroids, I just looked and couldn't find it though..
The method Labcorp uses to test e2 picks up tren as e2 for some reason.. Labsmd uses a different method that doesn't.

There's a good write up on it on eroids, I just looked and couldn't find it though..

Never heard that , interesting . Wonder what chemical causes this ....lookin good on IGF-1 . Goodluck
No different guy.. First real sero run, I'm on cycle so it's hard to tell what's doing what but I feel great.. I ran generics for 6 months over a year ago, sides were awful and couldn't really see the results until I came off and the bloat went away.
You should go get a serum test done, IMO it's a better indicator of how strong the GH is, privatemdlabs offers one for pretty cheap, i think it was 40 bucks or something when i bought mine.
You should go get a serum test done, IMO it's a better indicator of how strong the GH is, privatemdlabs offers one for pretty cheap, i think it was 40 bucks or something when i bought mine.

I did a few months ago, scored 24 with 10iu in delt after 3 hours.. I was under the assumption IGF-1 was a better indicator of if the GH was active or not??