BLOOD Work 12 weeks off


New Member
hi guys,
These are my blood works 12 weeks off( my last cycle was very soft TESTO PROP + Stano)
I ve done this test 27th December, after I eat like a pig for Christmas holiday ( I m Italian , we take Christmas lunch and dinner very seriously)
I m just surprised for epatic enzymes levels...
But 12 hour before test I ve done an hardcore legs workout ( 400pounds squat, press, walking lunge, Romanian deadlift)... I'm pretty sure that workout had influence on these levels. ( Gamma gt levels is ok)
Never had these epatic levels even when I was on oral steroids C17.
I think testosterone levels is ok, but estradiol is a little bit higher.
Anyway, I'll start taking NAC and Milk thistle
Im 29 yo


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Some months before.
But I didn't take testo end estro levels.
Others value were pretty much the same.. except HDL cholesterol was 30 and epatic enzyme were the half.. take blood test after 2 days rest