Blood work, post PCT. High estrodiol, low LH/FSH. Advice?


New Member
Hey guys, this is a lot of info, sorry. Just want to be thorough.

I did a cycle of test e 500/wk. Finished my PCT (hcg, then clomid and nolva (4wk/6wk)) about 3 months ago, but can tell that something is off. Libido has been low, etc.

I am redoing my PCT (started a few days ago) but wanted to get further advice. I did bloods last week and my test levels look decent, but estrodiol is way up and FSH/LH are very low.

Pre-cycle TT: 936. At six weeks: 4547. Now 725.

Obviously, my big concerns are:
LH down from 7.2 to 1.8
FSH down from 2.2 to 1.1
Estrodiol up from 14 to 51.3 <-- WTF

Why would estrogen so high? Could this a rebound from nolva? Or is this a deeper problem with aromatization? Pituitary? My estrodiol mid-cycle was only 18.

Side note: the newest lab work sites a TT "reference interval change": was 348-1197, now 264-916. Does the TT level still mean the same thing with the changed range? In other words, am I down 200ng overall?

It occurs to me that I am still in the same percentile when I adjust for the new interval. 936/1197 = 78.19% and 725/916 = 79.14%. So am I the same in the range of normal, but still lower than I was? Or does the new scale also affect the count of TT and I am back to pre-cycle levels?

Blood work attached below and thanks in advance!


Should I start arimidex for a while and then switch to nolva?

If so, can I continue with my PCT (clomid) or do I need to run the arimidex alone first?
I guess my ultimate question is how to best reduce E2 without rebound? I would guess AI to bring down E2 (how long?) and then switch to nolva and clomid to bring up FSH/LH. But is there a way to avoid rebound?

I would consider AI alone because then there is no E2 build up to worry about, but will FSH and LH come up on their own or do they need help from something like clomid?

Seems almost like a SERM can help with FSH/LH, but then also leave you with high E2...
You don't need to do anything just yet. You will be fine.

I am, however, curious why your E2 is that high at 3 months post PCT. That is very odd and I don't see anything you've said that would have caused it unless I'm missing it. There is something that caused or is currently causing your E2 to be higher although I don't think you need to take anything to fix it if you already went through PCT.

I would retest in a few weeks particularly if you have symptoms.
Hey guys, this is a lot of info, sorry. Just want to be thorough.

I did a cycle of test e 500/wk. Finished my PCT (hcg, then clomid and nolva (4wk/6wk)) about 3 months ago, but can tell that something is off. Libido has been low, etc.

I am redoing my PCT (started a few days ago) but wanted to get further advice. I did bloods last week and my test levels look decent, but estrodiol is way up and FSH/LH are very low.

Pre-cycle TT: 936. At six weeks: 4547. Now 725.

Obviously, my big concerns are:
LH down from 7.2 to 1.8
FSH down from 2.2 to 1.1
Estrodiol up from 14 to 51.3 <-- WTF

Why would estrogen so high? Could this a rebound from nolva? Or is this a deeper problem with aromatization? Pituitary? My estrodiol mid-cycle was only 18.

Side note: the newest lab work sites a TT "reference interval change": was 348-1197, now 264-916. Does the TT level still mean the same thing with the changed range? In other words, am I down 200ng overall?

It occurs to me that I am still in the same percentile when I adjust for the new interval. 936/1197 = 78.19% and 725/916 = 79.14%. So am I the same in the range of normal, but still lower than I was? Or does the new scale also affect the count of TT and I am back to pre-cycle levels?

Blood work attached below and thanks in advance!
IMO try half a 2.5 mg tab every WEEK
this should reduce Estrogen without dropping it too much, increase LH/FSH and increase Test

Retest in 4-6 weeks
Do not listen to a thing he says. He's the village idiot.
Fuck you
Why don't you post useful info, preferably backed by studies instead of just insulting?
Are you even capable of doing that?

@peculiarfind speaking of studies, you'll find this one interesting
Letrozole once a week normalizes serum testosterone in obesity-related male hypogonadism. - PubMed - NCBI
This was on obese men (fat increases aromatization rate)
a single 2.5 mg tab a week was enough to bring Estrogen to normal levels, not too low not too high, and increase LH/FSH and T.
So lean, healthy people will likely do well on just half a tab a week.