Blood Work Results

Muscle taxi 225

New Member
my test serum dropped over 300 points down from 813 to 480 in less than a week. feel like shit and cant get hard. what should i do?


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I went to a GP and he only had serum taken out and wouldn’t get all my levels checked.
So I called titan medical center and they got it for me.

I have low energy , libido has gone away completely , erections are soft if I get them up at all.
Hmmmmm, everything looks good. Time to see a doctor homie. Could possibly be psychological. Your test dropping is pretty normal. Hormones vary wildly day to day depending on a billion things.
Your estro is a tiny bit low but nothing awful. Are you taking creatine btw?

To answer these questions, we can go back to a 2000 Clinical Endocrinology study where they summarized a variety of hormone levels by age, including estradiol:

  • 20-29: 102.9 pmol/l
  • 30-39: 94.17 pmol/l
  • 40-49: 90.76 pmol/l
  • 50-59: 81.02 pmol/l
  • 60-69: 78.82 pmol/l
  • 70-80: 80.37 pmol/l
The above are in international units and not the standard pg/ml, so let me do that conversion for everyone reading this in the U.S. (The appropriate conversion factor is 3.671.)

  • 20-29: 28.0 pg/ml
  • 30-39: 25.7 pg/ml
  • 40-49: 24.7 pg/ml
  • 50-59: 22.1 pg/ml
  • 60-69: 21.5 pg/ml
  • 70-80: 21.9 pg/ml
Many of us would guess that estradiol levels would rise as we put on weight with aging, right? However, the data above shows that that is decidedly not the case and estradiol levels to tend to fall as the decades roll by. This is part of the reason that so many men end up with osteoporosis. And making the matter worse is that our SHBG levels climb, leaving us with less free estradiol as we age as well. (SHBG binds to estradiol as well as testosterone.)

Most importantly, notice that youthful estradiol levels are 28 pg/ml for men in the 20's and about 26 pg/ml for men in their 30's according to this study. This is a powerful argument that youthful estradiol levels fall right in the 20-30 range recommended by my old clinic.
Hmmmmm, everything looks good. Time to see a doctor homie. Could possibly be psychological. Your test dropping is pretty normal. Hormones vary wildly day to day depending on a billion things.
Your estro is a tiny bit low but nothing awful. Are you taking creatine btw?

Yes I take creatine daily.
Okay, that explains high creatinine. Likely there was nothing in those sarms that could be causing issues so far removed from using them. You find your girl attractive still? Do you have anxiety?
Yes I find her extremely attractive. It’s still a new relationship. Have an appointment with psychologist today. I have been having performance anxiety.
Good. Thats the best thing to do.
Print out those bloods and keep em safe btw. They're a great baseline for any future work. You're quite young to be delving into the world of PEDs so hold off for as long as you can.
Good luck brother.
Good. Thats the best thing to do.
Print out those bloods and keep em safe btw. They're a great baseline for any future work. You're quite young to be delving into the world of PEDs so hold off for as long as you can.
Good luck brother.

Definitely going to do that. Don’t want to start something too soon and have to be on the rest of my life. Just trying to educate myself as best as possible for when that time comes.
Well on the blood work pics it says date collected was 10/31/17 at 1413 local time so I'm assuming you pulled the bloods at 2:13pm not earlier in the day. Test levels are highest in the morning and drop during the day. That's normal. I'll further assume when you tested at 800 that it was done in the early morning. That easily can explain the drop in TT.

Saying you're seeing a psychologist for performance anxiety tells me it's likely a mental problem and not a hormonal one.
I agree it could be psychological as well the only thing telling me otherwise is the lack of morning wood and not being able to get it up to masterbate and abnormally small testes. Like the size of peanuts. Do you think some clomid and nolva would help ?
I agree it could be psychological as well the only thing telling me otherwise is the lack of morning wood and not being able to get it up to masterbate and abnormally small testes. Like the size of peanuts. Do you think some clomid and nolva would help ?
Um, you only mention this now?! Bro.... lol.
See a specialist please.
Um, you only mention this now?! Bro.... lol.
See a specialist please.

I thought i included that. Titan medical is well known for dealing with this and if that doesn’t work i have an endo appointment next week. It’s just a pain in the ass to get to a dr. All appointments are booked until February usually.
Doc, what in the world would cause normal test levels but physically small testicles as if they're suppressed somehow?
I agree it could be psychological as well the only thing telling me otherwise is the lack of morning wood and not being able to get it up to masterbate and abnormally small testes. Like the size of peanuts. Do you think some clomid and nolva would help ?

What SARMS were u taking? LGD has been shown to shut u down n they recommend running a PCT afterward.
I agree it could be psychological as well the only thing telling me otherwise is the lack of morning wood and not being able to get it up to masterbate and abnormally small testes. Like the size of peanuts. Do you think some clomid and nolva would help ?

So, piecing all this together from the various threads etc, you have a range of effects which seem to be sliding from "minor" chronic effect into more dramatic acute illnesses, this is where you stop getting advice from us random internet people and start seeking better medical opinions in earnest.

Do what you need to do to find a good doc.