Blood Work Results

Don’t think titan sent for lh and fsh levels.

I did not see them in your blood work posted here which is the reason for asking. I don't know why a company that is supposedly so well known for TRT wouldn't check those hormones. Maybe they're one of the gold diggers
Now nobody have an answer after guiding you to this.

The story repeats itself. They screw you and then send you to the doctor.

Powerlifter don't come of test year round and are advicing rookies to run 500mgs of test fr 12 weeks.

Simple dude, you loss testosterone sensitivity after a high test cycle.

This guy's are screwing people up with their bro science advice and don't know s#it

I bet you look like chit too after running high dosages of that aromatizing crap.

Might as well join their gay club and start powerlifting

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Now nobody have an answer after guiding you to this.

The story repeats itself. They screw you and then send you to the doctor.

Powerlifter don't come of test year round and are advicing rookies to run 500mgs of test fr 12 weeks.

Simple dude, you loss testosterone sensitivity after a high test cycle.

This guy's are screwing people up with their bro science advice and don't know s#it

I bet you look like chit too after running high dosages of that aromatizing crap.

Might as well join their gay club and start powerlifting

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Ecpert, stop posting. You're all over this board and add absolutely nothing.
If you are really that suppressed (which you don't seem to be per your labs) and your testicles have atrophied severely, restoring HPTA can be difficult with only clomid and nolvadex. You can signal the body to produce LH and FSH but with the testicles being suppressed, you likely won't achieve a HPTA balance. Might be adding these drugs for nothing....

Not sure why your TT is within normal limits with the atrophy you're describing.
If you are really that suppressed (which you don't seem to be per your labs) and your testicles have atrophied severely, restoring HPTA can be difficult with only clomid and nolvadex. You can signal the body to produce LH and FSH but with the testicles being suppressed, you likely won't achieve a HPTA balance. Might be adding these drugs for nothing....

Not sure why your TT is within normal limits with the atrophy you're describing.

Have an appointment with the Endochronologist this Thursday. Hopefully he’ll get me all fixed up !