Bloodwork after running Pharm grade torem PCT w/poll!

would you go ahead and start another cycle?

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Hey guys so I'm 1 month removed from PCT that consisted of torem from euro and A ugl aromasin. Here are my labs. This is only bloodwork I've ever done but since I wanna do another cycle with my first bb coach he recommended me a good doctor to have supervise me on my next cycle. I haven't talked to him about these results yet but I wanted to share.

I feel OK. I've been taking a supp called eblock for 2 weeks now and I've noticed my libido is up some and my erections are harder and easier to maintain. I'm just now starting to feel good in that area. My energy levels are OK. My balls are bigger than ever which isn't that accurate of a gauge but they definitely were shrunken quite a bit.

My cycle was 14 weeks on test and anavar
My pct was torem at 120x3 days then 60/60/30/30 and AI as needed.

Anyone have any feedback? I would say overall my recovery isn't complete. My test is normal but I'm worried about my fsh and lh.....I'm 23.


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Wait it out a bit longer. Most I know will say 6weeks post PCT to pull bloods and see what's going on.
Also before you start another cycle you should wait. Cycle time + wait + PCT = time off before next cycle.
If you went 14weeks cycle + 2 weeks wait before PCT + 4 weeks PCT = 20 weeks off before next cycle.
Just my opinion though.
Yeah I can't remember exactly when my pct ended but it was sometime early March so I guess I should wait. I should also mention I kick started with tbol and finished with anavar and it would seem like my liver is not happy. So I may wanna stay away from orals too huh? @RigPig
No pre cycle labs, you have no idea if you recovered. If your precycle TT was 700 your PCT didn't work. If your precycle TT was 350 you're ok. See why we get precycle bloods?

A torem and AI only pct for a 14 week cycle would not be enough for me," (and probably wasn't for you). my levels would suck (and be about 350, natty I'm high 800s). AI doesn't help restart. I ran torem at 120/120/60/60 with clomid the one time I used it. Your doses were low.

I would run a full nolva/clomid/HCG protocol (Google Scally's power PCT) if I came back mid 300s but that is just me. Ymmv.

Wait. Cycle time plus wait plus pct, then GET BLOODWORK before you run anything.
No pre cycle labs, you have no idea if you recovered. If your precycle TT was 700 your PCT didn't work. If your precycle TT was 350 you're ok. See why we get precycle bloods?

A torem and AI only pct for a 14 week cycle would not be enough for me," (and probably wasn't for you). my levels would suck (and be about 350, natty I'm high 800s). AI doesn't help restart. I ran torem at 120/120/60/60 with clomid the one time I used it. Your doses were low.

I would run a full nolva/clomid/HCG protocol (Google Scally's power PCT) if I came back mid 300s but that is just me. Ymmv.

Wait. Cycle time plus wait plus pct, then GET BLOODWORK before you run anything.
Noted man yeah I just didn't get them done cause I can't get labs in my state but now that I found this doctor I have a way to do it
How long do you guys think it should take to bring my liver values to healthy ranges? I love anavar. I loved halo testin when I tried it. I love dbol. But I'll give up orals if it seems like my liver is done for
Hey guys so I'm 1 month removed from PCT that consisted of torem from euro and A ugl aromasin. Here are my labs. This is only bloodwork I've ever done but since I wanna do another cycle with my first bb coach he recommended me a good doctor to have supervise me on my next cycle. I haven't talked to him about these results yet but I wanted to share.

I feel OK. I've been taking a supp called eblock for 2 weeks now and I've noticed my libido is up some and my erections are harder and easier to maintain. I'm just now starting to feel good in that area. My energy levels are OK. My balls are bigger than ever which isn't that accurate of a gauge but they definitely were shrunken quite a bit.

My cycle was 14 weeks on test and anavar
My pct was torem at 120x3 days then 60/60/30/30 and AI as needed.

Anyone have any feedback? I would say overall my recovery isn't complete. My test is normal but I'm worried about my fsh and lh.....I'm 23.

As I doubt these labs are on level with your PRECYCLE labs, you are better off waiting another 4-6 weeks IMO