Bloodwork for a friend

Friend doesn't belong to any forums. 48 years old 5'9" started at 192 at 202 now. 1st cycle 500mg test c for 12 weeks. 250iu eod of hcg. Bloodwork done at week 6. He has some water weight gain mainly in legs. No acne, no gyno. Says he feels tired a lot.
Anything stand out in the bloodword that is worth concern? Estrogen is high. He started with it being 82. Is aromasin worth deploying at this point?
First of all, you don't need to check LH and FSH on your cycle, they always tend to zero. You should check prolactin instead.
This level of estradiol needs to be reduced. Aromasin 25mg E3D.
He's also got a high hematocrit. Draining 400 ml of blood will help ))
He needs to check his prolactin and estradiol after a couple weeks of Aromasin.
T levels are within where i would expect. E2 could be lower. Other then that it looks good to me, especially for being on a cycle.
T levels are within where i would expect. E2 could be lower. Other then that it looks good to me, especially for being on a cycle.
2400 on 500 mg and 500 hcg? I was at those levels with 200mg pharma grade. Looks like it’s underdosed, also E2 isn’t horrible since his test is so high. Can’t run regular E2 with high test.. there’s a relation between the 2. Your hct is 54% brother go donate blood use omega 3s, coq10.. good luck.
2400 on 500 mg and 500 hcg? I was at those levels with 200mg pharma grade. Looks like it’s underdosed, also E2 isn’t horrible since his test is so high. Can’t run regular E2 with high test.. there’s a relation between the 2. Your hct is 54% brother go donate blood use omega 3s, coq10.. good luck.
Not everyone's T levels are the same from the same dose at 3 days after injection. Everyone cleaves the ester off testosterone and metabolises it at different rates depending on how much enzyme their body makes. Studies show the average rate.
Many people think if the E2 is not causing any issues then taking another drug is not needed and the drug could cause more problems then it will solve. I tend to not like it being high but that is just an opinion that i have been running in my 20+ years of using anabolics.
Test.C takes time to increase testosterone levels, especially if a man has a high body fat percentage.
The value doesn't look amazing, but it's probably not the final value.